When we’re insecure we end up constantly comparing ourselves with others. We use others to measure our own worth, beauty and success. This constant comparison simply leads to further insecurity.
When we’re insecure we usually don’t accept compliments. We say thank you when we receive one, but we never really believe the compliment. We tend to think that the person giving the compliment is just being polite.
When we’re insecure we tend to become people pleasers. Let me ask you a question: If we are secure and if we know who we are, will we be af ected by what other people say, do or think? Probably not. And, vice versa, if we are insecure we usually try really hard to please everyone because we have a need to be accepted. Insecurity and people pleasing go hand in hand. If we’re very insecure we struggle to say no and we avoid of ending others at all costs.
When we’re insecure we tend to become very defensive. We tell ourselves that every comment or remark is a personal attack and we end up leaving no room for people to invest in our lives. Defensiveness might stop us from forming relationships, either because we’re too sceptical or because other people don’t like to be around a defensive person. Defensiveness also prevents us from learning and developing as new knowledge is threatening. Essentially we can miss out on life if we’re overly defensive.
I want to emphasise this result of insecurity because it af ects so many women today, and it can eventually develop into more serious psychological issues such as body image disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, eating disorders, and more. If we’re insecure we not only believe ridiculous social media trends like the bikini bridge, thigh gap and the i nger trap test, but we actually allow them to dei ne us. The first of these social media trends was the thigh gap. The thigh gap can be dei ned as a space between the inner thighs when a woman stands upright with both knees touching. The thigh gap became a means for women to determine their attractiveness. Thus, if your thighs touch you’re not attractive, which is a completely ridiculous assertion. All three of these social media trends use one specific part of your body to determine your attractiveness. None of these ‘tests’ consider your face, your personality, genetic predispositions or the fact that bodies are beautiful in all shapes and sizes.
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