Sunday, December 14, 2014


Fitness both physical and body are essential in today’s world for ensuring that a person can lead a long life. These days, most people lead a life wherein the lifestyle has made everyone very lethargic and glued to one place. For most people, physical activity is almost missing. This has lowered the level of physical fitness that one has and has also affected the overall health of people. Thus, to maintain the required level of  fitness, exercises have become very essential.


Exercises make a person’s body active and release the required energy so that a person can stay active for a specific time period. If a person does not indulge in exercises, he does not get the necessary energy and fails to remain active; thus the physical fitness  level is lowered in the person. This also makes the person bodily unhealthy. If one does not indulge in exercises, one is not able to burn the extra calories that are taken in food. This means that a person starts gaining extra fats and the physical and body  fitness levels get reduced.

When a person exercises for maintaining the required fitness levels in the body, the various systems of  the body are also affected in a positive manner. The person’s immune system also improves and so the body is able to fight against a number of diseases which otherwise affect the health and fitness levels of a person in an adverse manner. In addition, exercises also ensure that a person’s muscles get strengthened and the body develops flexibility. The cardio vascular system and the functioning of the heart also improve. Also, the metabolism rate of the body is improved and the person’s body is able to burn more food in a more effective manner. One can indulge in various types of exercises to ensure the required fitness levels.

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