Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Sculpt a perfect tum with these handy tips from WF PT Libby Babet

1. Eat smart: Ditch fried foods and refined sugar for leafy greens, veggies, lean p rotein and healthy fats. Speed up your metabolism with spices such as ginger and chilli.

2. Optimise exercise:
Focus on full-body strength exercises and high-impact cardio for 90 per cent of each workout and add ab-toning moves in the remaining 10 per cent.

3. Abs from every angle: It’s not all about crunches – do some side-to-side and rotational movements too.

4. Take a break: Too much of the stress hormone cortisol can lead to fat storage around your middle. Take a few minutes away from your desk each hour to breathe deeply.

5. Liquid lessons: Up your water intake to power your body’s fat burners and add herbal teas to ease bloating. Try scrapping alcohol altogether for faster results.



Ditch sit-ups for this super-quick abs workout


Try these ab-tastic moves instead. This workout targets the core and abs, and it’s perfect for anyone who spends their day sitting at a desk. It’ll get you standing tall and looking slim, and eradicate the hunched shoulders and body-folding encouraged in regular abs workouts.

HOW TO DO IT: Perform the moves back to back, without rest, for the allotted reps. When you complete one set of all the moves, take a minute’s rest, then repeat.



Always thinking about your next meal? Banish these thoughts! The secret behind weight-loss success lies in
fuelling your body with nutrient-dense meals. Start by going back to basics. Top of the list is fibre, both soluble and insoluble. Fibre helps slow your digestion so the food you eat recharges your body with a steady stream of energy, but most people don’t get enough of the good stuf.


Eat meals high in protein, which helps preserve lean muscle mass, and omega-3 fatty acids. These regulate the hormone leptin, which keeps you feeling satisfied. Finally, spice up your meals for a metabolism kick. Cinnamon, for one, helps regulate blood sugar and reduce cravings, while chilli revs up your kilojoule-burning engine from the inside out

GET WINNING: Government guidelines say we should consume 30g of fibre daily, so fill your plate with a
variety of colourful fruit, veg and wholegrains to ensure you reach your quota. Boost your omega-3 intake with nuts and oily fish such as sardines, salmon and mackerel and add chilli, paprika and cinnamon to soups, stews and curries.


- Stick a picture of an athlete who inspires you on your fridge door to help you stay focused when motivation wanes.

- On Sunday nights, spend five minutes jotting down your weekly goals.

- Recruit a gym buddy so you have someone to keep you accountable. Plan meals together and chat about your progress.


The link between sleep and a healthy waistline is often underestimated, but you can double your chances of reaching your ideal weight if you get between six and eight hours of sleep at night. “Being sleep deprived puts people at an increased risk of being overweight,” says naturopath Sybille Gebhardt. “Your body derives its energy from food and sleep. If one is lacking, the other needs to increase to sustain energy levels.”

A study by the University of Chicago found that sleep deprivation plays havoc with fat cells, reducing their ability to respond to the blood sugar-balancing hormone insulin by 30 per cent. Bingeing after a bad night’s sleep? Lack of sleep also lowers levels of the satiety hormone leptin. When you get enough shut-eye, leptin levels are higher – so you’re more likely to feel full when you eat.

GET WINNING: Make sure you get a good night’s rest by going to bed at the same time each night to regulate your body clock. Spritz lavender oil on your pillow before lights out to help you drift of.

Dedication to your job may boost your career, but even if you eat well and exercise, leading a stressful lifestyle can take its toll on your body. When you’re under stress, your body pumps out adrenaline and cortisol, which af  ects appetite, making you crave sugary, high-fat foods that stimulate the brain to release neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. This soothes stress, but doesn’t do much for your waistline. High levels of cortisol also promote fat around your middle, which surrounds organs and releases fatty acids into your blood stream, raising insulin levels and increasing diabetes risk.

GET WINNING: Plate up with stress-soothing foods such as oily fish, which helps you regulate cortisol, or serotonin-boosting turkey. And book in a yoga class!

You’re probably looking at your biggest weight-loss obstacle in the mirror. Looking good is all about feeling good, so bigging up your body confidence could send your results soaring. A study by the Technical
University of Lisbon and Bangor University discovered that women are far more likely to reach their weight-loss goals if they improve their body image. Sure, you might not have your dream body yet, but in the meantime, try to avoid hating on the one you’ve got.

GET WINNING: Been blessed with long legs, but wish your tum was more toned? Opt for skinny jeans with a smock top and a pair of “wow” heels. Sensitive about your arms, but love your killer cleavage? A long-sleeved top with a scoop neckline will give you a lift.


1. Cook smart

No time to rustle up a healthy lunch before  you walk out the door at 8am? Easy: make an extra portion of dinner the night before and your lunch menu is sorted. Anything that reheats well, like a stir-fry, curry or soup, will beat another old sambo.

2. Dry run

Washing and styling your locks adds a (boring) hour to your morning routine, right? Consider going low-maintenance (in a non-hobo kind of way). Add dry shampoo to your beauty kit – the bonus is extra volume, minus the grease.

3. Go slow to speed up

Watching an egg boil isn’t always the most efficient way to kick-start your morning. Instead, throw mixed raw nuts and seeds in a bowl with a handful of berries and a helping of natural yoghurt for a slow-release breakfast with tons of bene? ts.

4. Keep it real

Hands up if your morning routine involves checking your Facebook feed before you’ve even brushed your teeth. Yep, we’re guilty of it too! Sidestep your smartphone so you don’t get sucked in to commenting on your friends’ announcements and funny memes on social media. Your own morning (and life!) is more important, after all.

5. Sack the snooze button

If you can’t muster the motivation to roll out of bed when the alarm buzzes, place your clock by the bedroom door just before you hit the sack. You’ll have no choice but to drag yourself from under the covers rather than thump the snooze button (that’s no longer in reach!). Sneaky, but it works!

6. Go old school

Don’t waste time rummaging around for gym gear – channel your mum’s wisdom and get your kit together the night before. A few minutes spent packing essentials will fend of    that morning what-top-goes-with-these-tights meltdown.

7. Face up

Slapping the entire David Jones beauty department  on your face every morning? Go for multitasking make-up: a BB cream, a cream blush that doubles as a lippy, and a thickening and lengthening mascara. Easy and cost-effective.

8. Get steamy

Forget the ironing board and hang your clothes in the bathroom instead. While you’re having a hot shower, the steam will smooth away wrinkles in seconds.

9. Stay smooth

Ditch your daily shower dances with skin-slicing razors for waxing or laser hair removal (if you want to spend the cash). Both are long-lasting, help hair grow back softer and finer, and won’t leave you cursing over painful nicks!

10. Clear out

Streamlining your wardrobe will make getting dressed a whole lot breezier – get rid of those harem pants you’ve been waiting to come back into fashion (sell them on eBay or donate them to charity), and move your winter woollies into storage. If you want to be even more organised, spend half an hour styling your week’s work out? ts every Sunday.


1. Cereal

"For the most part, cereals are not exactly high in nutrients, apart from synthetic nutrients that are added. Cereals are also low in protein and high in carbohydrates, so if weight loss is your goal, then it's going to be pretty hard if you're fuelling your body with carbs." Many cereals have a high glycaemic index (GI), meaning they're unlikely to keep you full and are likely to bring an energy crash. "In my experience, people who eat cereal for breakfast are generally the people who have the energy slump in the afternoon,"


The correction: Start your day with a fry-up (spray oil of course). "A high-protein fruit smoothie, eggs,
bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes, or even leftover dinner from the night before is an ideal breakfast. You will notice a difference in your energy within a few days and you are more likely to burn fat by having a breakfast like this."

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is almost entirely (91 per cent) made up of unhealthy saturated fat. "This contributes to the build-up of fatty material, called plaque, on the inside of your blood vessels and is a major cause of heart disease. This high concentrate of saturated fats raises bad cholesterol levels, clogs the artenes and increases the risk of heart disease. While fresh coconut does provide some dietary fibre, the oil it contains is
predominantly saturated fat and so its use should be limited in a healthy balanced diet."

The correction:
Choose healthier fats such as monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats - omega-3 and omega-6-which reduce 'bad' LDL cholesterol and increase the 'good' HDL cholesteroL This helps to lower your risk of heart disease. Reduce saturated fat intake by using canola or olive oil.

3. Low kJ Snacks

The belief that low-energy foods equal weight loss is one of the biggest fat loss furphies. Often the side effect of chasing minimum kJs is meals based on highly processed, nutrient-poor foods High GI foods like rice crackers and rice cakes may be low in kJs but are broken down very quickly. That means a similar hit of energy to that which you'd get with table sugar. It places strain on the pancreas to produce lots of insulin very quickly. In the short term, that means energy slumps and hunger soon after eating. Longer term, the pressure can promote type 2 diabetes and weight gain.

The correction: Base meals and snacks on whole foods, which are less energy dense (translation: more filling bang for your calorie buck). For snacks, get creative with vegies - think zucchini chips with ricotta or Greek yoghurt. For meals, include vegetables, a portion of protein such as dairy legumes or meat, and a serve of grains or low-GI carbs - try wholegrain bread, brown rice, quinoa or buckwheat groats. "By eating complex, whole food meals instead of focusing on low-kilojoule foods you'll have increased and sustained energy, increased nutrient intake, increased appetite control, decreased chances of weight gain and increased general wellbeing."

4. Juice

Because the calories come primarily from sugar, your body doesn't detect it in the some way it logs food calories. Care factor? You can down a ton of calories without the attention of your body's usual 'appetite off' switches. Just how dangerous is it? A glass of OJ with no added sugar contains 400 kJ - not much less than a piece of toast with Vegemite, except the fibre and chewing make it unlikely that you'd down four pieces in a row and still be hungry. Four OJs? Not so hard!

5. Clean Eating

Eating healthily or dean often causes a counterproductive halo effect. When clients consume few processed, junky foods and emphasise fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and lean protein sources, they often make the mistake of believing they can eat as much as they like and still lose weight. The reality is that a calorie surplus, even if it is in healthy foods, will cause weight gain or impede weight loss. Nuts and seeds are particularly high in kJs - despite containing healthy fats and filling protein.

The correction: Achieve a moderate calorie reduction by downsizing portions and increasing energy expenditure through exercise, the logical outlawing of 'fattening' foods is a trap that sets you up to swing wildly between deprivation and overdoing it, "No food is forbidden unless your taste buds tell you that's how it's going to be!" To lose weight, aim for a realistic daily calorie deficit of 20 to 30 per cent.


Many complementary health professionals, including yoga instructors, naturopaths and herbalists, follow the ancient Indian Ayurvedic health philosophy, which espouses that each of us comprises three elements knovm as doshas - Vata (air and space), pitta (fire and water) and kapha.


Body: Light or slim build with narrow shoulders and hips; don't gain weight easily.

Temperament: You like to be busy.

Other qualities: Dry skin, visible veins and tendons and sensitive to cold.

Common food downfall: Skipping meals and engaging in 'all or nothing behaviour' (e.g. "I had one biscuit, I might as well eat the whole packet").

Food Tips:
- Vata body types have a vulnerable digestive tract and variable energy levels, so they benefit from timely, warm and easily digestible foods.

- Healthy snacks are important to balance vata and maintain energy.

- Vata is dry, light and cold in nature. So balance vata with foods generous in oil/ghre and use warming spices (which can improve digestion as well}.

- Fresh ginger, cumin, fennel seeds, celery seeds, asafoetida (hing), coriander seeds, cinnamon, fresh basil, cardamom, salt, etc. can help to balance vata, improve digestion and/or control gas in the digestive system.

- All sorts of oils, nuts, seeds (except popcorn), dairy and spices (when used wisely) are good for vatas.

- Sweet, sour and salt flavours balance vata. So select sweet and fleshy fruits and vegetables and soupy grains like rice and wheat. Vatas need food high in carbs, and their proteins should come mainly from dairy and nuts.

- Reduce beans, as the vata digestive system finds them hard to digest properly. Tofu, mung beans, mung dal, tur dal and urad dal can be used. Red lentils and soya bean can be eaten in moderation.

- Avoid cold, frozen and chilled foods and drinks, raw vegetables (eat cooked or steamed vegetables) and dry fruits, which can easily imbalance vata and cause digestive issues.



Body: Medium build and well proportioned.

Temperament: Intense, alert, intelligent, a hard worker, easily hyped up.

Other qualities: Often fair skinned and sensitive to heat

Common food downfall: Overeating when angry or upset.

Food Tips:

- Pittas have a strong digestive energy, so it is important to eat regularly.

- As pitta (metabolism, energy) is high during the middle of the day (peak of sun), a wholesome lunch is important.

- Sweet and bitter flavours pacify pitta: so select fruits, vegetables and grains that have these flavours.

- Balance pitta with cooling spices like coriander seeds and leaves, tumieric mint, fennel seeds, cardamom and cinnamon.

- Eat a moderate amount of dairy - milk and ghee ate especially good.

- Soupy grains like rice (except brown rice), wheat, oats, barley, etc and most of the beans benefit pitta. Avoid miso, soy and pulses such as tur dal and urad dal.

- Pitta is hot in nature; so hot spices, coifee, alcghol. red meat and frequently skipping meals can easily imbalance you.

- Avoid pungent and sour vegetables like garlic, green chilli,raw leeks, raw onion, tomato, eta Also avoid femnented and salted foods, which can cause health issues in pittas.


Body: Stocky, sturdy, strong or heavy frame.

Temperament: Easy-going natura not easily stressed,

Other dualities: Oily skin, lustrous hair and round joints.

Common food downfall: You love food and the pleasures of eating, which makes you vulnerable to overdoing your intake.

Food Tips:
- Kapha has a stable energy and digestive energy. Kapha has the ability to save energy, so eat only when hungry.

- Select vegetables and fruits to balance bitter and pungent flavours which balance kapha; for example, choose light, not so sweet fruits like apple, pear, cranberries, pomegranate and dry fruits.

- Kapha is cold, oily and heavy in nature, so balance with warming spices and low carb foods that are high fibre but low in sugar, salt and fat.

- Favour cereals, couscous, buckwheat, corn, basmati rice and quinoa, which are light and help to balance kapha

- Favour light beans like aduki beans, black beans, chick peas, lentils and white beans.

- Reduce dairy foods (except low fat milk and butter milk), sugar and fat in food, which can imbalance kapha quite easily.

- Avoid fermented foods. Reduce soupy grains (like rice, wheat, cooked oats, etc), kidney beans, soya beans and pulses like urad dal, which are heavy? and increase weight gain in Kapha.


Scientific studies confirm that where your curves and weight are distributed can help you predict your health status, now and in the future. Based on the three main body shapes and what they indicate about your health, we've put together some food and exercise recommendations.



Your shape: Your weight is centred around your hips and midriff, a little like a beachball, while your bottom may be small and arms slim.

Health profile: It's likely you have some lifestyle imbalances, such as too much stress, the wrong foods, too little activity and, possibly, too much alcohol. This may have led to an excess of some hormones, such as stress hormones cortisol, adrenalin and insulin. Abdominal weight gain usually indicates a build¬ up of dangerous viscoral fat under the skin, even if you are in a healthy weight range. These fat cells are very active - they produce numerous hormones and unhealthy chemicals that increase the production of intemal inflammation and have been linked to conditions like cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes type 2 Thankfully, according to the Mayo clinic in the US, visceral fat responds very well to exercise and a healthy diet.

Ideal Diet:

- Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and whole grains and have minimal processed foods, such as white bread and pastries.

- Cut back on sweet foods and take-away.

- Choose foods with a low glycemic index and chew your food well to give your belly plenty of time to send signals to your brain that you are full.

Ideal Exercise: Jogging, cycling, team sports and weight training. Try high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts, whore you do short bursts of activity followed by a brief rest - this is great for fat burning around the belly.


Your Shape: You have a slim waist, long legs and don't easily gain weight.

Health profile: Your risk of conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and breast cancer may be lower. However, this health head start you get from your naturally slim body shape may be negated if you're a couch potato who loves fast food. "If so, then your ratio of lean muscle to fat may be unhealthy and you may be canying hidden body fat that could make you fat on the inside even though you are slim on the outside," Boutcher points out. Banana-shaped women may have slightly lower oestrogen levels, which may lead to issues such as irregular periods. Your naturally more slender frame may also mean a higher risk of developing osteoporosis (thin brittle, bones, prone to fracture),

Ideal Diet:

- Ensure you eat plenty of calcium through sources such as tahini, tinned tuna and leafy greens to boost bone health.

- Choose foods that are high in fibre to reduce snacking and keep you feeling full. Fill your plate with vegetables first.

- Eat healthy sources of protein such as oily fish and lean red meat to help sustain your muscle.

Ideal Exercise: Weight-bearing exercise such as walking, aerobics and basketball to protect bone density. If you don't enjoy the gym, try daily walking to stay fit Gentler exercises such as tai Chi and Pilates are perfect for toning and calming.


Your shape: Your breast circumference is small to moderate, and you have a well- defined waist, which, just like a mermaid, widens out at the hips, bottom and thighs,

Health profile: The good news? "If you tend to gain weight obviously around your bottom and thigh area, this is usually due to 'subcutaneous fat', which does not raise your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes the way belly fat does," Boutcher explains. However, a little more weight in your bottora half may give you a tendency to develop blood circulation issues such as varicose veins or fluid retention in ankles and feet. Unfortunately, according to Boutcher, "Scientific evidence suggests that fat in the upper body, chest and abdomen is mobilised by the body and burned more readily than fat in the bottom, hip and thighs. This means that women with pear shapes may find the weight in their lower body stubborn to shift,"

Ideal Diet:

- Don't skip meals or skimp on protein, and include enough at every meal including lean meat, fish, chicken, eggs and legumes (such as chick peas)

- Go for a bigger breakfast and lunch and consider an evening carbohydrate curfew - e.g. no carbs after 4 or 5pm.

- Make sure snacks between meals are not too large.

Ideal Exercise: Upper body strengthening exercises combined with light cardio work like power walking or jogging to slim down your bottom half, Yoga postures are also great for slimming hips, thighs and calves.


If you can't seem to change your silhouette for all the green tea in China, the culprit could be a slow kilojoule burning rate, an imbalance in hormones that affect appetite and fat burning, or problems with your insulin responses.

A healthy metabolism is integral to a healthy weight according to the next formula for optimising metabolism.


1. Sustain Blood Sugars by Eating Regularly: Don't skip meals. Blood sugar, the primary fuel for the brain and an important fuel for working muscles, drops when you are sleeping when you are more active (walking, exercising etc,) and when you skip meals. After going for long periods without food, you experience a rise in stress hormones and your unfortunately then breaks down your muscle (not fat) to supply quick energy.

2. Choose High-Fibre, Unprocessed Foods: Fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grains enhance digestion and improve the delivery of energy and nutrients to the blood by moderating the insulin response. This helps you feel full and lowers production of fat, associated with too much insulin production.

3. Drink Plenty of Water: Being hydrated helps you feel full and enhances your digestion and absorption of nutrients.

4. Eat Protein Wisely: Instead of a big serve at your evening meal, distribute your protein intake throughout the day to help you sustain/ improve your muscle mass ,and reduce the chance that your protein will be stored as fat.

5. Go Easy on Alcohol: Consuming more than one glass of wine with dinner interferes with your ability to metabolise energy, causing you to store more fat.

6. Get a Safe Amount of Sun: Exposing your skin to a little regular sunlight is a good way to absorb vitamin D, which is pivotal for bone health and for reducing muscle soreness and improving muscle recovery after exercise.

7. Employ Caffeine Sometimes: Used sparingly when you need ,the boost, caffeine can, benefit exercise because it is a central nervous system stimulant that provides energy, helps improve blood delivery (and nutrients) to working  muscle and; enhances fat metabolism so your limited carbohydrate stores don't run out as fast.


Dimples are adorable, yet when they're on butts and thighs, most of us admonish them as biological traitors. If you can't come to terms with the fact that cellulite is normal (really), we've road-tested ways to down play the orange peel.

You'd think in an era when we can send people to the moon, buy gym shorts without venturing into a change room, and create life like prosthetic limbs (yes, we do realise that answers a leai problem), you'd think science could do something about cellulite. After all, most women have it and go to an awfull lot of trouble to hide it.

Yet the deposits of subcutaneous fat (meaning fat just underneath the skin) and fibrous tissue that cause the maligned "dimple" effect aie trickier to burn off than garden variety adipose tissue.


Getting rid of cellulite entirely is impossible. All one can do is reduce the size of the cells that are causing the appearance of the dimpled skin. As always, diet and exercise are paramount to maintaining a healthy body, both inside and out Why are women harder hit than men? According to Melbourne's Dr Andrew Roberts, we can blame the size of our fat cells, which are double the size of our male counterparts'.

"They are arranged perpendicularly to the skin's surface and women have less firm cormective tissue than men, while their fibres are also arranged differently - so when the fat layers increase they can only grow upwards, which results in the appearance of pimpled and dimpled skin surfaces," says Dr Roberts.

How stark your cellulite is rests largely on genetics. Genes determine how many fat cells our bodies will hold and that threshold cannot change. Growth of individual fat cells, however, may lead to the visual hallmarks we know as cellulite.

While you mightn't be able to make it disappear, there are plenty of DIY ways to minimise the dimple effect.

TIP 1: Avoid processed foods and alcohol as they Increase body foKins, which are then stored in fat cells. This is why slim people with poor lifestyle habits exhibit cellulite.

TIP 2: Invest in healthy foods ond green juices instead of quick fixes. The problem lies beneath the skin where most topical treatments do not reach.

TIP 3: Pay attention to your hormones. Avoid things that increase unnecessory oestrogen intake such as bottled water and too much dairy.

TIP 4: Try body brushing and massage to increase blood flow and stimulate the lymphotic system beneath the skin.

TIP 5: Your body needs collagen to smooth out dimples so make sure you have a diet high in collagen-building nutrients like vitamin C and essential fatty acids.

TIP 6: Stretch for 10-15  minutes a day to improve circulation and increase the appearance of muscle. Saunas are also great for sweating our toxins.

TIP 7: Proteins in chicken, beef, fish, nuts, legumes and beans help strengthen collagen fibre and reduce cellulite appearance.


Here are a few perks of injecting a little plyo and booty-popping dance into your power yoga: "You get a killer strengthen-and-stretch workout in which you torch calories and sculpt definition without feeling as if you're working too hard for it." Complete the circuit four times, doing each exercise for about 40 seconds and resting for 20 seconds between sets. Ready? Just lose your shoes to get started.

Monday, December 22, 2014


Exercises contribute much to having strong bodies even as we advance in age. However exercising without a plan can cause more harm than good. Once you know what you want to achieve as part of your beautiful body, choose an exercise that will help build on it. It can be for your legs, arms, chest, pelvis or even the abdomen.


Everybody wishes to have a body that gives them  confidence. The definition of a beautiful body may vary from one person to another, but despite your definition, some basic steps can make you have the body of your choice.

1. Measure yourself

Before you decide where you want to go, you have to know what you need to start your journey. Measuring your weight and heights will give you your body mass index (BMI). This is an index used to classify you as underweight, normal, overweight or obese. Knowing where you belong will help you know what you need to do to hit your target.

2. Know the problem
Get to know which part of your body you really have a problem with. This will help you in choosing those methods that will help you reach your target. If you have too much fat in your body and you want to lose it fast, you can get a liposuction, which they will remove the fat. If it's your muscles you need to build then you can take the necessary steps.

3. Work out
Exercises contribute much to having strong bodies even as we advance in age. However exercising without a plan can cause more harm than good. Once you know what you want to achieve as part of your beautiful body, choose an exercise that will help build on it. It can be for your legs, arms, chest, pelvis or even the abdomen.

4. Healthy eating

For you to have a beautiful body there are some foods that you will have to do away with even if they are your favorite foods. Do away with junk food and other fatty foodstuffs. Replace this with fruits and vegetable salads. Do not skip meals in an attempt to lose weight. Instead, you can have small healthy meals frequently. Keep off alcohol and smoking.

5. Drink a plenty of water

Water has many functions in our bodies and one of it is to keep your skin succulent and attractive. It also helps to remove wastes from our body and keep us full for a long time, reducing someone's appetite.

6. Strengthen all your muscles

People tend to be biased in the muscles they want to strengthen, but they forget others. This mostly applies to women. Having a flat tummy and strong arms or thighs with weak pelvic muscles is not good. Have even strong pelvic and even vaginal muscles by either exercising or getting a hymenoplasty surgery. Work towards your own definition of a great body with these few tips. It does not matter what other people say, as long as you are comfortable in how you look and feel. Remember having a healthy body leads to a longer life.


There are a number of reasons to take up dancing to get fit. Research indicates that dancing maintains cardio health, while enhancing your emotional health. Weight bearing bones will be strengthened, while slowing bone mass loss. If you dance for fitness, you should also see an increase in flexibility and coordination.


If you are teaching dance classes, you should only use moves effective for fitness, safe, and ones that  will focus on a range of muscle groups. This will provide a well-rounded workout.

Dancing as a workout has become quite popular. It is also great activity for couples to engage in  together. More and more couples are taking dancing as an interesting, fun and healthy activity. Once you and your partner have learned to dance, it opens the door to joining local dance groups if you so desire. This provides more social interacting as well as more exercise. Of course impressing friends and family at the next big party is also a good reason to learn to dance together.

Dancing is a great way to achieve a more healthy body. Dancing is good for you and isn't just a crazy fad. Dancing will help burn calories and boost your energy. It will help you improve circulation, and tone your muscles. When you dance to get more fit, it is much more fun than a regular workout. Dancing also helps to release serotonin. This aids in weight-loss. It can also help relieve any tension and stress you may be feeling and while improving your mood; it provides an outlet for your creativity. Dancing can be an incredible way to get in shape.

Pole dancing is one way of improving your body's health as well as your fitness. It helps tone essential  muscles groups. Pole dancing is available in quite a number of forms. Some of these are a lot more  brazenly erotic than others. Pole exercise dancing  is best mastered having an instructor teaching, however training books can be quite useful if there are good pictures.

Belly dance, another dance form, includes motions that are natural and mainly designed for the woman's body. It is a wonderful way to have a fun workout! It can significantly improve core strength and enhance posture. It helps in putting all of your curves in the right places.

Belly dancing is carried out primarily while standing, and most of these actions are based on natural motions of your body the same as walking, turning, and leaning. Belly dancing is a sensible way to work out as it targets core muscles. Belly dancing tones muscle while highlighting curves, and can be mastered by dancers of all fitness levels.

Belly Dance no longer belongs exclusively to the Middle East. Since belly dancing is low-impact, potential for injury is rare so dancers of any age and health levels can experience the rewards.

Most dancers have very well-toned arm, leg and core muscles because these key groups of muscles are utilized in many different dance variations. Even dancers with natural ability and talent are always working hard to improve. Don't expect you'll resemble Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers after a couple of ballroom dance classes though. Furthermore, dancers use a variety of motion for their programs, which helps boost the muscles' ability to bend and stretch.

Another reason for learning to dance for fitness is that individuals who are generally known as great dancers are invariably popular with the opposite sex.

Most dancers have very well-toned arm, leg and core muscles because these key groups of muscles are utilized in many different dance variations. Even dancers with natural ability and talent are always working hard to improve. Don't expect you'll resemble Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers after a couple of ballroom dance classes though.


Kale, kiwi, broccoli and cucumber make an awesome green mix. Carrots, sweet potato and tomato make a delicious pink mix. Beets, blueberries and spinach make a purple healthy juice.


Juicing has become a rage nationally. After Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead hit the Internet and Netflix viewing population, the level of interest in juicing doubled. Many individuals hit their local department stores an plunked down $200 or more to purchase a juicer. They juiced for a week and that was that. There was an expensive juicer collecting dust or shoved under the sink. Juicing is an excellent avenue that can boost  your craving for fruits and vegetables. In addition, properties in many fruits and veggies contain high levels of antioxidants, which can become a cabinet created by Mother Nature. If you want to try juicing, but aren't sure if you'll stick with it, there is a solution. Pull out your blender and read away.

Slice your Mix

Take the time to slice your apples, peel your oranges, slice your bananas, chop your sweet potatoes, beets and carrots. You don't want to toss any whole fruit or veggies in your blender. This will burn the motor out in no time. Cucumbers, and tomatoes may be softer veggies, but you want to slice these as well. Freezing fresh Spinach and Kale as a base allows you to crumble it into the blender as a healthier base.

Use Water

So, your veggies and fruit are sitting beautifully sliced and diced in your blender. Now is not the time to just hit blend. Your blender will burn out. Grab a cup and add about a half to a full cup of water. It all depends how much veggies and fruit you put into the blender. You basically want to add water until it hits the halfway point of the veggie/fruit mix.

Toss in Ice

A cold juice just tastes better. Grab a few cubes of ice and toss it atop. Many people enjoy or prefer coconut water or coconut water frozen cubes. Feel free to toss that. Adding in a slice of lemon or lime is also deliciously refreshing.

Blend it Up

You want to start with chopping the ingredients. Select chop on the blender until you stop hearing the ice and mix blend down. From there locate a setting for liquify and you want to keep it there. Typically, three to five minutes is sufficient to blend down your ingredients perfectly.

Strain it Out

Most videos will tell you to use a cheesecloth. Personally, a cheesecloth was a bit complicated. You can hit your local dollar store and purchase a filter (yes the same one you use to drain your pasta.) Avoid the filters that have larger drains. A mesh filter would work perfect. Grab a large bowl, hold the filter above it and pour your mix into the filter. Use a spoon or fork to move the mix around in the filter. This helps to drain it faster into the bowl.

Transfer and Taste

Pour your juice into a large cup and enjoy. As far as the pulp, there are a couple of options. If you are on a juice fast, it's best to toss it. If you are simply incorporating juicing into your everyday life, the pulp can be used for cooking. If you have a mix of veggies and fruit in the pulp, store in the fridge to keep it cold. Pull out chicken, add basil and salt to the fruit/veggie mix, and add a splash of olive oil in a baking dish. Layer the
pulp out on the pan and place the chicken atop. Bake slow and steady and it adds a delicious taste to your chicken dinner. If you used just a fruit base, save the pulp to add to oatmeal.

The Final Word

Juicing has tremendous benefits. Between a natural elixir of health, it also will turn on your love for veggies. Be creative when juicing, mix and match color schemes. Kale, kiwi, broccoli and cucumber make an awesome green mix. Carrots, sweet potato and tomato make a delicious pink mix. Beets, blueberries and spinach make a purple healthy juice. Have fun with it, the more you juice, the healthier you will be!

Friday, December 19, 2014


As with most things in your life, reduction and balance is key! Not having any dairy at all may damage your body, whereas having too much could also have the same outcome.

Dairy is so much of an important food group, but recently, what with severe diet regimes and theover-dramatization of food allergies and intolerances - dairy products seem to have, unjustly, been handed a bad name.

All of us need a balanced diet as a way to keep our bodies healthy; no one should remove major food groups from their diet, unless of course recommended to do so by a medical expert, as doing so could mean that you're lacking in crucial vitamins and minerals.

Simply how much dairy should I eat?

As with most things in your life, reduction and balance is key! Not having any dairy at all may damage your body, whereas having too much could also have the same outcome.

In accordance with nutritional guidelines, we should all be getting just about 2-3 servings of dairy each single day.

So, one serving might be a smallish pot of yogurt, a smallish 'matchbox' piece of cheese, or maybe a 200ml glass of milk.

Severe low-fat diets might be one of the main reasons why some people don't have enough dairy in their diet, as the food group is often thought to be being too high in fat. However, by selecting low-fat versions you can still enjoy your preferred dairy foods without the guilt!

Fat free milk can still offer you exactly the same amount of calcium as whole milk; plain yoghurt or low-fat frozen yoghurt and low-fat versions of cheese are all great ways of avoiding the fat while still maintaining a healthy measure of dairy.

Really what are the benefits of dairy?

Where do we even commence? Firstly, quite a number of dairy products are incredibly rich in calcium and protein. Calcium is actually required by the body to build strong and healthy bones and teeth, and protein is a building block of the body, assisting the body to restore and build itself.

Dependent upon the type of dairy consumed other core nutrients that come from this food source includes:
 magnesium, folate and vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B6, and B12.

Alternative known benefits to possessing a diet rich in dairy, is that it aids blood to clot and lowers the potential risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and certain cancers, including for example colon and breast.


Smoothies are simply the best way to make a meal complete and for sure you ought to try it for breakfast. They are simply delicious and at the same time if you really want to go in for some healthy options what is the other choice you have? Don't worry smoothies can turn out into a healthy choice if you follow these tips I simply triggered out:

Lock in the flavors in your smoothie recipe by using fresh fruits so that the nutrition is simply packed inside where by you don't have to use the artificial ones to make it tastier.

Try using healthy tea instead of milk to make the base stronger and nutrient stuffed. You can try your hands over green tea to start with as it has antioxidants to keep you healthy.

Pick out the freshest fruits and vegetable available to make a healthy base which is sure to taste much better than anything else.

Have you ever tried dates to sweeten your smoothie? Remove the pits and soak them for at least an hour or overnight before blending. The other excellent choices to replace dates are maple syrup, honey and stevia.

If you are looking for a probiotic punch add young Thai coconut water Kefir along with milk that aids in digestion and the same time delivers nutrition to the fullest.

Some wonderful spices add to the flavor and locks the taste much better than you can ever dream of. Play with these little magical flavors like nutmeg, cayenne pepper, ginger, cinnamon and cayenne pepper.

Healthy fats are always preferred to keep you going for hours adding in more energy thus refreshing you totally. You can try your hands on flax, avocado, coconut or even hemp oil.

Try and choose superfoods that can boost the nutrition to a greater level. Include cacao, goji berries, maca, bee pollen, aloe vera, spirulina, coconut oil and lot more to feel the difference.

Chinese herbs like Astragalus, Ginseng and Rhodioa can take your smoothies to a different lane making you travel through the medical properties.

Do you like your  smoothies  to be chilled with ice cubes? Why don't you try  coconut water cubes that add  the essential nutrients including potassium, magnesium as well as electrolytes to your drink?

Smoothie recipes are pretty easy as you can create your own healthy ones if you by trial and error method. For this you need  to understand different flavors and play with them well!


There's no real substitute for a well-equipped  gym or fitness center when it comes to getting a good workout. However, there are times when going somewhere to work out for an hour is simply too inconvenient. The option is to skip your workout, or adopt  fitness  at home routine for those days when time
doesn't permit you to take a break. Contrary to popular myth, maintaining your personal fitness at home is a lot easier than most people think.

The first hurdle most people face when wanting to maintain a fitness routine at home is staying focused and maintaining discipline. It's easy to concentrate on your workout when you're at the gym or fitness center. You're there to work out, the equipment is there, there are no distractions, and you may even have a trainer who's task it is to see that you stay focused.

Fitness at home is a whole other story. First, you need to be disciplined enough to set aside time to work out, and then actually do it. Distractions are another problem when trying to maintain a fitness routine while at home. It's hard to ignore a ringing telephone, crying child or the dog scratching at the back door and concentrate on you work out.

The next hurdle to overcome is a lack of equipment. Few people are fortunate enough to have a fully equipped home gym, so home fitness efforts have to be maintained using what is at hand and tailoring exercises to suit what's available.

For example, most homes have at least one set of stairs, and even if they comprise only a couple of steps that's enough to do stair climbs. Push-ups and stomach crunches can be done anywhere, as can an aerobics workout. If the weather is not suitable for a run, running on the spot inside is as good a cardio workout. Yoga  is another exercise that can be done while watching television. A set of dumbbells and a chair are all you need to work your biceps and triceps. Squats work the leg muscles, and the list goes on.

A well thought out exercise plan and a few pieces of equipment could approach the results attainable at a gym. However, fitness at home should be mixes with workouts at a fully equipped fitness center. The wide  array of equipment, as well as the environment itself, tends  to make for a better overall workout. Fitness  at home should be  considered as more of a physical maintenance program for what gym visits aren't possible, rather than a substitute for proper gym workout.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Do sets of crunches and sit ups to help strengthen your stomach muscles. Incorporate the different types of sit ups, including twists, normal and side sit ups to work on the different muscle groups - crunches help to work on the upper stomach muscles.


Burn the Calories with  Circuit Training
Improve your chances of burning the fat around your stomach with some circuit training. This is best completed three days a week and can incorporate a mixture of exercises to tone your stomach, along with other areas of your body. Make sure you throw in some short bursts of cardio training too so that you increase the amount of calories you burn.

Crunches and Sit Ups for Stronger Stomach Muscles
Do sets of crunches and sit ups to help strengthen your stomach muscles. Incorporate the different types of sit ups, including twists, normal and side sit ups to work on the different muscle groups  - crunches help to work on the upper stomach muscles. You can place your legs under a couch or have someone hold them but you'll get more of a workout by trying to keep your legs on the floor.

Leg Raises Tone the Stomach Too

Many people focus so much on sit ups that they forget about the other workouts that help the stomach muscles. Leg raises are a great way of strengthening the stomach muscles, especially if you raise both legs at a time; however, focus on one at a time at first to avoid injury. Lay flat on your back and raise the legs up and hold for a few seconds before lowering. Keep your movements slow and controlled to make the most of it.

Push Ups to Train the Core

Your core stability will affect your stomach muscles.  Pushups  will make your arms stronger but they also help you control your core too. They make you remain balanced while you try to keep the buttock level and parallel to the floor. If you struggle with  pushups, start by doing them on your knees so you build your core first.

The Plank for the Core Stability
Another great exercise for core stability is the plank. Start off by lying on the floor on your stomach and push yourself up onto your elbows. Only your elbows and toes should be on the floor. The rest of your body should be level. Hold this position for 15 seconds and then relax and repeat 20 times. As your core becomes stronger, hold the position for longer.

Play Superman

No don't try to fly around. Lay on your stomach and lift your right arm and left leg so they are completely off the ground  -  it looks as if you're trying to be superman! This will control your core stability.

Work on the Lower Back Too
While working on  your stomach muscles, help your whole core by working on the lower back muscles. This helps to keep your posture perfect. Lay on your stomach with your hands behind your head and raise your chest off the floor and lower back down.


A healthy post-workout snack should replenish your body's glycogen levels. A high-glycemic carbohydrate snack (like a banana smoothie) would do the job splendidly - and deliciously.

Within 30 minutes of engaging in a strenuous exercise session, you need to feed your body in order for it to recover. Your glycogen levels are depleted and your muscles need repair, especially if you lifted weights or did a lot of running. A cold, tall glass of a sugary drink full of empty calories may quench your thirst, but it does nothing to help your body recuperate after a heavy workout.



A healthy post-workout snack should replenish your body's glycogen levels. A high-glycemic carbohydrate snack (like a banana smoothie) would do the job splendidly  -  and deliciously. This type of carbohydrate is easily absorbed by the body and will restore glycogen to optimum levels fairly quickly after intense exercise. Just remember to skip the sugar.

The only time that consuming a high-glycemic carbohydrate snack is recommended is typically after a heavy workout of at least 90 minutes. High-complex carbohydrates (like oatmeal or brown rice) take the body a longer time to digest, keeping you feeling full longer. For that reason, these types of carbohydrates are more often suggested for regular diets. But after working out, your body needs to be restored quickly and foods with a high-glycemic index (bagels and baked potatoes and watermelons, oh my!) fit the bill.


To rebuild your muscles after a prolonged workout, your body also needs protein. Running, interval training, and heavy weightlifting can all break down muscle tissue. A healthy post-workout snack that is high in protein  can repair muscle damage and prevent soreness after intense exercise. Peanut butter on rice cakes (for extra fiber) or low-fat Greek yogurt are good choices. Believe it or not, nonfat chocolate milk is another excellent protein source and great for muscle  repair after a heavy workout session.

Muscles are depleted of amino acids after intense exercise. Since protein contains amino acids, foods high in protein are ideal choices for muscle repair after working out. So even if you don't have time to prepare a  healthy post-workout snack, grab a handful of nuts, like almonds and peanuts, and munch away. With every crunch, your muscles are on their way to recovery.

After a heavy workout, you don't want to burden your body with fatty foods or sugar-laden treats. Pass on
the ice cream and enjoy a nutritious peanut butter-banana smoothie instead. It's a healthy post-workout snack that replenishes the glycogen levels in your body, rebuilds muscle, and tastes great! What's not to love?


Exercises are essential to ensure that the  fitness levels are maintained. A body is said to be physically unfit and unhealthy if the body does not indulge in the required level of physical activity. Exercises not only make the body active but also ensure that the body’s immune system and the metabolism are improved. Most people are very health conscious these days and they indulge in different types of fitness programs to make sure that the required level of physical  fitness  is maintained.

There are different types of exercises that must be included in a  fitness  program. Aerobic and anaerobic exercises must both form a part of a fitness program. Aerobic basically means with oxygen and anaerobic means without oxygen. Aerobic exercises are the ones which have a positive impact on the cardiovascular system of the body. These are low intensity exercises which must be indulged in by all people. For beginners,
these are the best exercises as they form a base for exercising for a long time period. These exercises tone the body and muscles and condition the heart in a manner that the  fitness  levels get improved.

In anaerobic exercise muscles make use of glycogen from carbohydrates. When glycogen is burnt in the absence of oxygen, it gives off lactic acid which causes muscle fatigue. This means that when a person indulges in anaerobic exercises, he gets  tired very easily.  That is why anaerobic activity is limited to short durations and include activities like sprinting and weightlifting.

It is important to incorporate both types of exercises in a  fitness program as both have their own benefits. Aerobic  exercises have their health benefits in the sense that it makes the heart and the body strong. Anaerobic exercises on the other hand burn the extra calories and fats that a person has.


Sunday, December 14, 2014


Fitness is important for everyone these days. People want to stay healthy so that they can live a longer life. There are many ways which people undertake to ensure that they remain physically and mentally fit. Many people undertake exercise regime to ensure that they can stay healthy. For many people, exercising means that they need to join a fitness club as they believe that it is where they can exercise the best.

Since there are many  fitness  clubs that a person can choose from making the right choice often gets difficult. There are many factors that need to be considered when choosing a health club. One main factor is the location of the club. It must be ensured that one chooses a fitness club that is easy to reach and within a convenient distance. When choosing a health club, it is also essential to try the equipment at the fitness club so that one can be assured of the fact that one gets the best. One must never join a club without trying the equipment so that it can be checked that the equipment is well maintained.

One must also make sure that the  fitness  club that one chooses is the one that has all the necessary things that are required for exercising. This means that the club must have a personal trainer, facility for aerobic exercises and also a person who can assist the people when they are exercising. One must also make sure that the club chosen is the one where the staff is helpful. In addition, one must make sure to choose a club where one does not have to pay a hefty amount. One must make sure to know about all the costs and other expenses that are included in the membership fee. This is essential to ensure that one gets the best services at the most reasonable cost.



Physical  fitness  refers to the ability of the body to indulge in physical activity. In other words, a body which is unable to indulge in physical activity for a specific time period is said to be physically unfit and the person is said to be unhealthy. It is important that the required level of physical  fitness  is maintained so that  the body is benefited in a positive manner. Physical  fitness  has many positive impacts on the health and body of a person.


If the required level of physical fitness  is maintained, it affects the mood of a person in a positive manner. When a person indulges in physical activity to stay fit, certain brain chemicals are stimulated that improves the mood of the person and leaves a person happy. Thus when one is physically fit, one is happier and more confident about oneself. Physical activity also boosts energy. Regular physical activity improves muscle strength and boosts endurance. Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues and help cardiovascular system work more efficiently and when heart and lungs work more efficiently, one has more energy to work. Regular physical activity can help one fall asleep faster and deepen the sleep.

Physical fitness also ensures that the body’s immune system gets improved. It ensures that the person does not easily catch diseases. When a person’s immune system is strong, one  is able to fight against a large number of diseases including the ones which are dangerous ones like cancer, diabetes and even stroke. Thus a person who indulges in regular physical activity is able to live a longer and healthier life. In addition, a person who is physically fit is able to control the levels of good cholesterol and fight against bad cholesterol and thus they have healthier hearts and can fight against stokes.


Fitness both physical and body are essential in today’s world for ensuring that a person can lead a long life. These days, most people lead a life wherein the lifestyle has made everyone very lethargic and glued to one place. For most people, physical activity is almost missing. This has lowered the level of physical fitness that one has and has also affected the overall health of people. Thus, to maintain the required level of  fitness, exercises have become very essential.


Exercises make a person’s body active and release the required energy so that a person can stay active for a specific time period. If a person does not indulge in exercises, he does not get the necessary energy and fails to remain active; thus the physical fitness  level is lowered in the person. This also makes the person bodily unhealthy. If one does not indulge in exercises, one is not able to burn the extra calories that are taken in food. This means that a person starts gaining extra fats and the physical and body  fitness levels get reduced.

When a person exercises for maintaining the required fitness levels in the body, the various systems of  the body are also affected in a positive manner. The person’s immune system also improves and so the body is able to fight against a number of diseases which otherwise affect the health and fitness levels of a person in an adverse manner. In addition, exercises also ensure that a person’s muscles get strengthened and the body develops flexibility. The cardio vascular system and the functioning of the heart also improve. Also, the metabolism rate of the body is improved and the person’s body is able to burn more food in a more effective manner. One can indulge in various types of exercises to ensure the required fitness levels.


Fitness has taken priority in the lives of people these days. This is because people have become very health conscious and want to live a healthy and long life. However, the lifestyle that people lead today is the one which does not ensure the required health and  fitness  levels. The level of physical activity for most people these days is very low and that is why people ensure that follow a fitness program so that they can maintain the required physical and health fitness levels.

In a fitness program, most people are made to exercise so that they can stay healthy. However, most people do not know that a good program needs to have a few essential characteristics. This is to ensure  that the  fitness  program is beneficial for the person indulging in it. One of the essentials of a health program is the fact that it must include a balance of all types of exercises. A good health program must include aerobic exercises, endurance conditioning, muscular exercises and also flexibility exercises. A good mix of all these types of exercises ensures that a person gets to exercise in the right manner so that the required body activity takes place and the required energy levels are released in the body.

Another important aspect of a good fitness program is the intensity. One must be able to exercise at a comfortable pace. If one cannot exercise at a comfortable pace, it means that the program is doing more harm than being beneficial for the person.  An exercise program must also include strength conditioning. The program must include exercises for every major muscle group of the body. It is also important that every session of the exercise program lasts for at least 20 minutes so that it can be beneficial for the person exercising. 

A good health program must include aerobic exercises, endurance conditioning, muscular exercises and also flexibility exercises. A good mix of all these types of exercises ensures that a person gets to exercise in the right manner so that the required body activity takes place and the required energy levels are released in the body.



A body is said to be physically fit if it can indulge in physical activity for a specific time period. If a person is not able to make the body do work or indulge in physical activity for a certain time period, the person is said to be physically unfit and the  fitness  level of such  a person is said to be low.  However, it is essential to ensure that physical  fitness levels are maintained in a body so that the body can get the required energy and also so that the body functions in a proper manner.

One of the best ways to ensure that a  body indulges in physical activity is to exercise. Exercises ensure that the body gets the required energy to do work and also makes sure that the required fitness levels are maintained. There are many benefits of physical activity on the body and physical fitness of a person. When one indulges in physical activity, the body weight is controlled. This is because when a body indulges in physical activity, it is able to burn calories that a person takes in. In turn, the body gets energy in sufficient quantity  so that it can indulge in the required levels of physical activity.

One of the benefits of physical activity on fitness is the fact that it improves the immune system. When a person indulges in physical activity, the body’s immune system is affected in a  positive manner and also the cardiovascular system is improved. A person who indulges in physical activity on a regular basis is able to fight against a myriad of diseases including stroke, diabetes and several other  diseases and health problems. Physical  activity also help  one to control cholesterol levels and also build stronger  muscles and fights against several problems which may have adverse effects on the health and fitness.


Tuesday, December 9, 2014


There you are working so hard to drop kilos by busting your butt at the gym. cutting back calories, eating more vegetables and maybe even trying a juice cleanse. Unfortunately, diet mistakes can hamper your metabolism - the internal furnace that incinerates calories 24/7 - whether you're going all out in a spin class or sitting in front of the TV, Wise up to these connmon errors and finally see the results of your effort.



You've heard over and over again that people who eat a morning meal tend to be slimmer. But some people find that noshing in the am actually makes them hungrier. If you can relate, it may be that the "healthy breakfast" you're eating - such as cereal and fruit - contains too many carbohydrates, which could prime you to overeat later.

"When you have a sluggish metabolism, it's often a sign that you have some insulin resistance. This means your body has a hard time moving sugar from the bloodstream into your cells for fuel, and when that doesn't work right, you feel hungry even when you're physically not," says Dr Caroline Cederquist, a nutrition expert and medicai director of BistroMD, an online diet delivery service in the US, This is especially noticeable after waking up. In the morning, insulin levels tend to be already high. After a high-carb meal, they rise even more and then quickly nosedive, leaving you ravenous by noon.

THE SOLUTION Pair those carbs with protein to slow down the blood sugar response. Aim for 30g of protein (a cup of cottage cheese or two eggs and a container of plain low-fat Greek yogurt) and 20g to 30g of carbs (a medium banana, a thick slice of toast or packet of instant plain oatmeal).


All day long, your body goes through a process cailed protein turnover, which basically breaks down muscle tissues. Many women don't eat enough protein - which contains amino acids, the "main food" for muscles - to counteract this effect and properly maintain lean mass. This is not good as the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn no matter what you're doing.

THE SOLUTION The recommended daily dietary allowance for protein is 58g, but many women don't get enough. A serving is equal to one palm-sized portion (90g to 110g) of meat, poultry or seafood, and you should aim for two to three servings a day.


Yes, you have to cut calories, but as the number on the scale decreases, your metabolism can also take a dive for two reasons; Firstly, although some of the weight lost is fat, you also lose calorie-torching muscle.

Secondly, according to Dr Robert Yanagisawa, associate professor of medicine, endocrinology, diabetes and bone disease at Mount Sinai Hospital in the US, 'Vour body has its own "comfortable' weight because we're genetically primed to fight starvation.

"As you're losing weight, it tries to hang on to calories in order to get you back up to your baseline." You may also feel hungrier as your body tries to persuade you back to your set point. Luckily, it will gradually reset your weight to a new baseline, adds Dr Yanagisawa.

THE SOLUTION Until your body stops sabotaging your weight-loss efforts, the most important thing you can do is to load up on fruits and veggies. Your gastrointestinal system works overtime to break them down and torch a few extra calories, but most importantly, they're an effective way to fight hunger as they fill you up with low-calorie fibre.

Load half your ptate with produce at every meal and eat a salad with vinaigrette before or after dinner. The salad slows your eating speed, giving anti-hunger hormones the 20 to 30 minutes they need to kick in so you feel full and wiil eat less at your meal - or will be better able to resist dessert afterwards.


It's a cruel twist of fate that something calorie-free can plump you out. "Studies Show that artificial sugar stimulates the same hormonal and metabolic responses as real sugar," Dr Cederquist says. With fake sweetener, receptors in your brain and gut anticipate getting calories from sugar. In response, your body releases the fat-storage hormone insulin.

THE SOLUTION "Toss the calorie-free stuff and start eating real food," advises Dr Cederquist. You want to stop drinking diet soda completely, but if you tend to guzzle several cans a day and don t want to quit cold turkey, start by cutting back to one can and always consume diet drinks with a meal. "That way, your body gets the calories it's expecting, so there's less of an insulin response," she explains.


Pesticides are not iust insect killers, but endocrine disrupters as well Because the endocrine system controls metabolism. exposure to certain chemicals can increase one's appetite, stimulate fat cells and cause a sluggish metabolism, says Dr Isaacs. Pesticide residue on produce - as well as any plastic packaging they come in - can throw off your hormone levels and even lead to weight gain.

THE SOLUTION Keep eating those fruits and veggies, but be diligent about washing everything, including pre-washed salad mixes and fruits with rinds, such as cantaloupes and avocados. Dr Isaacs recommends submerging produce in a large bowl of water for one to two minutes, then rinsing under runningwater. Use a soft brush to scrub citrus andother fruit with hard peels.


If there's one thing about juice fasts, you do lose weight pretty quiickly. But most of that is water and muscle tissues, says Dr Cederquist. Vou can probably guess where we're going with this: When you deny your body the nutrients It needs by consuming too few calories and inadequate protein, your body will break down muscle tissue. "In the end, you'll just gain that weight back when you start eating again and maybe even more because you've lost muscle mass," she says.

THE SOLUTION Consult your doctor if you're really keen to try this and don't start any cleansing regime on your own.


Whether your goal is toning or cardio, this 1950s workout will save you a whole lot of, um, resistance.

The fitness thinking that results are causally tied to long gym sessions and abacus-worthy rep counts that bring you to the brink of puking is relativy new. Long before women were working out (or voting), fitness enthusiasts were hatching tricks to achieve more with less time and effort. Aspects of high intensity circuit training (HICT)emerged in 1953 when University of Leed research revealed gains in strength, endurance and aerobic fitness in less than the time it takes to unjam a gym locker.



Resistance training performed separately from aerobic training - typically on two or three non-consecutive days each week. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recomnaends two to four sets of eight to 12 repetitions per resistance training exercise for each major muscle group at an intensity of 40 to 80 per cent one-rep max (1RM). Two to three rninutes of rest is recommended between exercise sets to allow for proper recovery. That leaves 150 minutes of aerobic training at 46 per cent to 63 per cent V02Max to be made up when you can fit it in (or 75 minutes at 64 to 90 per cent V02Max), Yeah, we know, you've got a life.


The two keys to making it work are intensity (think demon pace) and limited rests, "The incorporated resistance training contributes significantly to the amount of fat burned during a workout," researchers wrote. What's more, "When resistance training exercises using multiple large muscles are used with very little rest between sets, they can elicit aerobic and metabolic benefits," Metabolic spike can last up to 72 hours from your last squat, research has found, meaning you bum more calories for up to three days. Better yet, studies suggest that HICT may burn more subcutaneous fat than steady state cardio thanks to increased catecholamines and growth hormones piqued by furious workouts with sub-30-second rests. On the cardio front, short HICT sessions have been found to elicit similar gains as garden variety tread milling.


▶ Choose exercises employing large muscle groups.
▶ Stage them in an order that allows opposing muscle groups to recover while another is working - while you're cranking out push-ups (upper body), your legs are taking a breather, ready for high-intensity squats.
▶ Splice dynamic moves with static ones to give your ticker a chance to regain its composure - think chasing jumping squats with a stationary plank or crunches,
▶ Factor in exercises to cover off all muscles,
▶Base reps on what lets you maintain supramaximal intensity for an entire set. A good guide is 15 to 20 reps per exercise, or around 30 seconds.
▶Adjust sets and reps to enable you to push past 100 per cent and stay there (with the help of short rests); more is not better.
▶ Rests of 30 seconds or less have been shown to elicit maximum metabolic perks, but the ACSM suggests 15 seconds or less.
▶ For the following circuit, perform each exercise for 30 seconds, resting for 10 seconds between stations. Repeat the circuit two to three times (approximately 14 to 21 minutes in total).

1. Jumping jacks (whole body)
2. Wall sit (lower body)
3. Push-up (upper body)
4. Abdominal crunch (core)
5. Chair step-up (whole body)
6. Squat (lower body)
7. Triceps dip on chair (upper body)
3. Plank (core)
9. High knees (whole body)
10. Lunge {lower body)
11. Push-up and rotation (upper body)
12. Side plank (core)


THERE'S NO MAGIC SOLUTION TO SLIMMER THIGHS or a flatter tum (sorry!), but if you want to shake of   that excess weight you need a smart strategy. First things first, you have to suss out what might be stalling your progress. So we?ve rounded up some of the most surprising health saboteurs. Avoid these and you'll whittle away those wobbly bits once and for all.


1 You’re eating too many healthy carbs

You balk at the sight of a butter croissant, but you feast on a big bowl of wholemeal pasta at dinner. We all know that white versions of kitchen cupboard staples spell bad news for our waistlines, but even their brown counterparts aren't as virtuous if you're overloading on them.

Complex carbohydrates are an important macronutrient in any balanced eating plan, but a carb-heavy diet leads to weight gain by increasing blood glucose levels and making your body more resistant to insulin. This means that instead of burning carbs for energy, your body stores them as fat.

WISE UP: Pile half your plate with non-starchy veggies (like broccoli and cauliflower), one quarter with protein (pulses, lean beef or chicken), and the other quarter with complex carbs (brown rice or sweet potato) and good fats.

2 You’re being too good

You've been told a gazillion times that counting kilojoules is the key to successful weight loss. Sure, it can help in the battle against the bulge, but tallying up your daily intake isn't really sustainable in the long term. Plus, you'll find your weight will start to plateau after a certain amount of time as your body fights back by slowing your metabolism and increasing your hunger.

Emerging research suggests that if you really want to keep your metabolism ticking over nicely, you'll need to bend the weight-loss rules slightly by ditching your diet once a week. Having a cheat meal can really help you stick to a healthy diet the rest of the time and keep your willpower firing all week long.

WISE UP: Set aside one meal a week to 'slip up' and indulge guilt-free! There are a couple of golden rules to follow to ensure this doesn't foil your healthy goals, though: schedule your cheat meal earlier in the day - at lunchtime rather than dinner - and stop eating at the first sign of fullness.

3 You save your kjs for dinner

Eating smaller portions will defs help to fire up your weight loss, but if you're making the mistake
of saving up your day's kilojoule intake for the evening, the scales won't tip in your favour. Your metabolism takes a dive when you miss meals as it tries to hang onto whatever energy it can. Plus, skipping meals during the day will make you ravenous come PM, so you're also likely to overindulge. This means your body will be flooded with high levels of blood glucose, which your body will store as fat. Eek.

WISE UP: Eat at regular intervals. Your day's food intake should revolve around three meals, plus two snacks, to ensure blood glucose levels stay stable. Make sure each meal contains protein to keep you feeling full, and graze on snacks, like berries with nuts.

4 You aren't dealing with your emotions

Guilty of eating your feelings? Short-term stress or anxiety can suppress your appetite, as the release of hormones - including cortisol, CRH and adrenaline - makes us feel less hungry. However, a prolonged response over time can cause hormones, like cortisol, to signal to the body that it needs to replenish food supplies. This makes us hungrier and slows down the metabolism.

WISE UP: Next time you're stressed, swap comfort foods for a yoga sesh. Concentrating
on breathing techniques and flow sequences will help bring your body back into balance and regulate hormone levels.

5 You have selective meal memory

Even if you're watching what you eat 50 per cent of the time, if you're not careful the other half, you'll pack on unwanted kilos. It's tough to keep tabs on what you're eating when you're distracted - and when you're multitasking your brain isn't as efficient at detecting fullness.

WISE UP: Schedule time into your day to dedicate to mealtimes. Make eating an occasion that takes you away from whatever task you're doing. Eat at the dining table instead of on the sofa and make sure you chew food properly. Spend a few minutes writing a food diary of everything you've eaten and review it at the end of the week.