Get striations just looking at a dumbbell, or can’t run for longer than 60 seconds? You can blame the type of muscle fibres you got in the body lottery. While speed defines the two main muscle fibre types, the differences impact everything from body shape to athletic potential. Slow-twitch muscle fibres (type I), for instance, typically dominate in ectomorphs – think endurance athletes like marathon runners. Sprinters, on the other hand, tend to have more fast-twitch fibres (type II). They’re more likely to be mesomorphs (you know, hourglass proportions with a naturally perfect muscle-fat ratio). Care factor? Your muscle fibre dominance dictates which fuels you use, when and how. Fast twitch fibres get their energy from glycogen reserves in the muscles and liver and glucose in the blood, while slow twitch fibres feed primarily on fat. The former doesn’t depend on oxygen, while the latter does.
Your body is a perfect canvas for building muscle. With a fast metabolism and a low body fat percentage, your figure is made for strength and interval training. Your genetic make-up means you have a small frame, which means you can build muscle without looking like a tank. PT and owner of Sydney’s New Outlook Fitness Natalie Carter says a great way to utilise your DNA and achieve your best results is strength training.
“You need to do weights and resistance exercises three to four times a week. Incorporate dumbbells based on the weight that lets you feel pushed when you reach your final rep,” says Carter. Also do three to four HIIT sessions a week to maintain your fitness level. Great exercises, Carter says, include are mountain climbers, burpees, squat jumps, step-ups, tricep dips and bent over rows.
For ectos, Carter warns against excessive cardio, including long (over 5km) runs. It will “deplete and stress your body, leading to a gaunt appearance” by breaking down, not building or maintaining muscle. You can blame the stress it puts on your body.
A 1994 study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found that levels of stress hormone cortisol doubled in participants by event’s end. Cortisol is notoriously catabolic, meaning it breaks down muscle protein.
As well as gym weight work, you’ll get great toning effects from yoga. “Yoga is a great way to increase your flexibility and also will help keep tone and strength through your body,” Carter says. Try different styles to find one that suits. “If breathing and a slower paced class is your idea of bliss, try Hatha. The more intense personality-type A may enjoy Ashtanga and those more meticulous individuals would be suited to Iyenyar.”
+ Low muscle and low fat
+ Tends to be underweight, lanky, and skinny
+ Able to eat like a horse and never put on weight (fast metabolism)
+ Can tolerate carbohydrates well
+ Young appearance
+ Small bone structure and fine features
+ Tall and can present a hunched upper posture
+ Slow to gain muscle and struggles to keep it
Genes say you’re a natural athlete, with a high percentage of muscle in proportion to fat. Your physique is perfect for weight lifting and cardio.
Carter advises varying your weights workouts as your body is prone to fast adaptation. “Work on increasing your lifts and reps every one to two weeks (depending on how advanced you are). Even if it means you lift an extra kilo or push out an extra rep, you are constantly working on improving on your last session.”
Because you are naturally built for attaining a fit and toned figure, Carter says you should set individual PBs as you may be able to push further, and faster, than peers with similar fitness levels. “Giving your program a tweak (with the help pf a fitness professional) will ensure you meet your goals but push yourself to get into
the best shape of your life. Try a CrossFit or MMA class to imbue your life with fire and drive.”
For you, training needs to be all about coming out of your comfort zone and constantly striving to break records or try new activities.
To keep pushing forward, Carter recommends keeping an exercise diary. “Recording your workouts will give you objective feedback and makes planning to achieve your goals easier.”
+ High percentage of muscle to fat
+ Sporty and athletic body-shape (metabolism generally functions efficiently)
+ Does better on a protein, fat & vegies diet
+ Good posture, upright
+ Easily gains weight or loses weight
+ Hourglass shape
+ Strong lifter and efficient at sprinting events
+ Athletes generally possess this body type
+ Builds muscle easily
Your body has a higher fat to muscle ratio, which means a key goal will be body recomposition. With the right fitness options, your physique can work in favour of body fat loss and muscle gain.For instance, your body will benefit markedly from cardio and is built for heavy lifting.
“Changing your body composition requires you to remove your excess fat stores and make room for more muscle. Your goal is less fat, more muscle,” Carter says. “Lifting heavy is a great way to achieve this goal. It sounds crazy, but all the fitness models include heavy lifting in their workouts and we all know how smokin’ they look.”
Heavy weights will build muscle tissue, which will help you to burn more fat, and increase strength, meaning you can lift even heavier and boost metabolism more.
“Try keeping reps between six and 10RM for three to four sets and include compound movements in your lifts, e.g. squats, deadlifts, pull-ups and push-ups,” Carter advises. Endomorphs are madefor interval training – think two sessions of 30 minutes every week.
“This will consist of 15 sprints of approximately 300 metres, with a 1 minute recovery of slow walking or even jogging (if your fitness is of a high level). You will continue to alternate between the two intensities. Loads of calories will be burnt and your fitness levels will soar.”
An interval-based workout will yield seismic benefits.
“You will continue to alternate between the two intensities, you’ll burn loads of calories and your fitness level will soar,” Carter says. For best results, continue to alternate between two intensities. “You are forcing your body to make greater adaptations to your oxygen uptake and are pushing your body out of its comfort zone.
“Our bodies adapt quickly to our increased fitness levels (cardiovascular) so it’s important to always add a further challenge to push the boundaries and gain further results.”
+ High fat to muscle ratio
+ Round (especially in the stomach region)
+ Has a hard time losing weight and body fat (slower metabolism)
+ Solid frame
+ Would do well as a power lifter or rugby (as long as they can move their weight around effectively)
+ Gains muscle easily
+ Stores fat easily
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