Friday, June 6, 2014


Creatine should be part of everyone’s supplement stack, but if you’re interested in using shorter rest periods to sharpen your physique, it can be even more valuable. Since the power to bang out reps is explosive in nature, the primary fuel source for muscles is phosphagen - the collective name for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate (CP).

As a set wears on, phosphagen falls off, depleting completely in about 20 seconds and sending your body on the hunt for glycogen to complete the set. But, luckily, this energy store replenishes very quickly - also in about 20 seconds. As you complete more sets, though, your phosphagen levels begin to wane. This is where creatine comes in. Supplementing with creatine keeps this fuel source peaked longer, meaning more power on successive short-rest sets.

While any form of supplemental creatine will be beneficial, newer research is showing thatcreatine hydrochloride is absorbed much better by the body - about 50% better than creatine monohydrate - making you stronger for longer periods during each workout. With any form of creatine, you should aim for a dose that delivers 3-5 grams both pre- and post-workout.


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