Thursday, May 29, 2014


You need a tight butt to go along with your flat abs, so Justine also shared this booty workout with us!

• Do 5 sets of 10-20 reps.
• Perform this circuit style— do one set of 10 to 20 reps for an exercise, and then move on to the next one with no rest between exercises. Once you’ve done a set of all the exercises, rest one minute and then start back at the beginning.
• Do this workout twice a week (Monday and Friday).


ONE-ARM DUMBBELL SNATCH (12 each side) Performed like the Olympic Lift, the DB snatch can start from the ground or from the  “hang” position (DB at knee level). It’s a direct pull upwards, keeping the weight close to the body while avoiding any swinging movements. Once the weight has reached full height from the pull, you drop underneath and “catch” the weight with a straight arm and knees bent. Therefore, stress is put on legs rather than joints in the arm catching the weight. If you have never attempted this before, ask a trainer or CrossFit instructor for assistance.

BODYWEIGHT SQUATS WITH LEG LIFTS TO SIDE (12 each side) Do a bodyweight squat (or add weighted barbell). As you are coming out of the squat, raise  one leg to the side, similar to a cable hip abduction movement, and then go back into the  squat. Repeat on one side before going to the other leg. Avoid bending knee during leg  movement. 

WEIGHTED HIP THRUSTERS (12-15 each side) Sit on the floor with a barbell positioned over your shins and align your upper back against  a secure padded bench or step, feet approximately shoulder-width apart. Roll the barbell  over your thighs so it rests at your hips (if the bar causes discomfort, consider using a pad or  towel around the bar). Brace your core and forcefully extend the hips until the torso is  parallel with the ground and a hip-neutral position is reached. Hold the contracted position  for a moment then return to the start position. If you have never attempted this before, ask a  trainer for assistance.

STEPDOWNS WITH MEDICINE BALL (12 each side) Holding a medicine ball, stand next to a step or bench, with foot closest to bench on top.  Step up on the one foot, then back down. Avoid extending your knee beyond your toe line,  any rotation in hips and deviation of the standing knee from the weight-bearing foot.

BALL LEG CURLS (20 reps) Lie on your back with heels on a stability ball, legs extended. Raise your hips off the floor  and bring the ball toward you, bending your knees. Then extend your legs out straight again. Avoid dropping your hips. You can also do one-leg curls, raising one leg off the floor as you bring the stability ball toward you.

DONKEY KICKS (10 each side) Attach an ankle wrap around ankle. On all fours with arms shoulder-width apart, lift on leg  up behind you, until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Bring the leg back to starting position.  Avoid rotating upper body or excessively arching back.

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