Friday, January 16, 2015


There’s nc prescriptive time lImit for how long each phase should take as it depends en the individual — just move te the next phase when you start to see and feel real changes.

Phase One of this microbiome diet involves removing unhealthy bacteria and the foods that
unbalance the microbiome, and replacing them with healthier bacteria. In this phase, I recommends you take pre- and prebiotics and avoid sugar, artificial colour and preservatives, eggs, soy, gluten and dairy. He advises eating gut-healing focds such as fresh vegetables and fruit, including asparagus, carrots, garlic, Jerusalem artichokes, leeks, okra, onions, radishes, tomatoes, heaithy omega-rich nut butters, high-fibre carbohydrates, high-quality protein and the spices cinnamon and turmeric. Do this for as long as you need te until you feel ready to maye on to the next stage of the plan.

The secand phase allows you to eat a wider variety of food, including eggs, sheep and goat’s milk yoghurt and gluten-free wholegrains. You continue to load up on the phase ono superfoods as weIl as taking pro- and probiotics. In this phase, you also aim to reduce stress, since this can also
unbalance the gut.  I
recommend mindful eating and brief meditations before meal times.

The third phase Is tho 'life timetune-up'. Once your gut health is restored, You only need to stick to the earlier phase gut-health eating plan 70 por cent of the time — you can now eat most foods for 30 per cent of the time, including the occasional sweet treat.

'I have always seen goad responses when people follow the microbiome diet'. The majority of patients lose weight even if they’re not trying and it's not roally their goal.'


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