Sunday, January 18, 2015


Make sliding into your skinny jeans as easy as pulling on a pair of leggings with the following advice and clever tips.


It's a sad fact that stress increases levels of the hormone Cortisol in our bodies, which research shows increases the fat around our waists. But reaching for a glass of wine to help you relax can nnake things worse, as alcohol also raises Cortisol levels. Alcohol is also known to disturb our sleep, as the body has to work harder to cleanse itself of toxins. This is why we often feel tired and un-rested after a night of drinking.


The benefits of plenty of zzzzzz don't stop at having the energy to get through the day. A good night's sleep also helps reduce stress, keeps your mind sharp, and boosts your immune system and mood.

Getting eight hours regularly is essential for a glowing complexion, as your body produces more protein when you sleep - allowing cells to renew and repair the damage caused by ultraviolet rays, pollution and toxins - and increases human grovrth hormone (HGH) production to retain skin elasticity for fewer wrinkles.

Stick to a sleep schedule, going to bed and getting up roughly the same time every day to maintain your body's internal clock, Try writing in a journal a few minutes before bed to unload the stressors that can cause insomnia and sleep disturbances. Avoid television, computer and phone use an hour before you go to bed - these can act as stimulants - and wear ear plugs and an eye mask to reduce light and sounds.


Keeping a food and mood diary is an important tool to help manage your relationship with food. Most of us don't know what we are eating, or how all the things we unconsciously eat - from finishing off your child's leftovers to reaching for the biscuit tin as a reward - can add up.

Writing everything down - including snacks and drinks - and noting how you feel when you eat them will help you become more aware of your eating patterns, and show you where you need to make changes.


Paying attention to what, when and how you eat will help you register when you're full so you don't mindlessly consume extra calories. Take your time to chew what you put in your mouth and taste every bite.

Put down your cutlery after every mouthful and don't pick your knife and fork up again until you've thoroughly chewed and swallowed what you're eating as this will help slow you down. Finally, avoid watching TV, reading or working at your desk while you eat - your digestion will thank you.


Make habit your friend. Trying to follow the latest diet trends and recipes can become overwhelming. Instead, find what you like and stick with what works for you - at least until you get bored.

Also, try to have a maximum of six types of food on your plate. Research shows we eat 70 per cent more when we increase variety as every new taste, texture and flavour re-stimulates your appetite.


Speed up your weight loss by dumping toxic foods from your body. This includes all low-fat and low-calorie food and drinks. Not only are they less filling, their super-toxic sugars, artificial sweeteners and additives also dump fat around your tummy and can even damage the collagen in your skin, making you look older Clean and lean food is the way to go as your body will only store the good nutrients.


Try to leave something on your plate, even if it's just a mouthful. This can help you break away from the idea that clearing your plate is a good thing and regain control over your eating. It will give you the chance to sit back, listen to your body and decide if you're full or not.

Eventually, you won't have to think about portion control because you'll only eat what your body needs.


If you have excess pounds to shed, research now shows that the best way to lose weight consistently is to reduce your calorie intake by 10 calories for every pound you want to lose permanently. So if you want to drop one stone, you'd need to cut your intake by 140 calories a day.

You may have heard that cutting 500 calories a day is necessary for weight loss, but new research reveals this will result in hitting a plateau before you reach your goaf. Weight loss will take longer If you cut fewer calories but you're more likely to stick to your new regime, and keep the weight off long term.


Try fighting your food urges the first time you get them because science shows that the power of a craving dramatically decreases each time it comes back. This approach might not work every time, but you should go from giving into every craving to only giving into 20-30 per cent of them.


When you make your own food, you have control over the quality of the ingredients and portion size. If you're short on time during the week, try cooking two meals at once so you spend less time in the kitchen, or prepare a big pot of brown rice, quinoa or other wholegrains at the beginning of the week and throw it into salads, toss with spices, or add toasted slivered nuts and dried fruits for super healthy and filling snacks.


Drink at least eight glasses of water a day It's essential for keeping you hydrated and healthy, and will keep you feeling full, beat water retention, flush away toxins and help your body metabolise stored fat. It's easy to confuse hunger with thirst and eat something when what you really need is fluid. Make sure you drink extra water when you're exercising or in hot weather to compensate for sweat loss and help you perform at your best, ff you don't like water, add a slice of lemon, or try coconut water.

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