Friday, January 23, 2015


Consider the rower your badass-yet-friendly trainer. With each stroke, you melt fat and firm up everything from your shoulders to your calves-but because you're cardio. Plus, the movement helps create posture your mom would be proud of. Although you're rowing with your arms in front ofyou, it's a great counteraction to the hunched-over position many of us are in all day. Your back needs to stay rowing strengthens back muscles that get weakened from desk jobs. The best part: The faster you row, the more intense your workout becomes—so the quick intervals here will get you toned in less time.


MISTAKE #1 Being afraid of "men's" weights

Many barbell arid free-weight moves mimic everyday ones (carrying bags, picking upachild, openinga door) the way machine-based moves that tend to isolate a single muscle can't. Don't worry about bulking up: Most women don't have near the amount of testosterone needed to build big. bulky muscles.

THE FIX: Grab 12-pounders instead of 5s (but don't be afraid of 20s if you have the strength!). Try deadlifts with a barbell versus dumbbells. It's okay if you need to do fewer reps. Adding weight will tone you up in less time.

MISTAKE #2 Bad squat form

Squats areone of the best glute and quad sculptors because they engage a large amount of muscle. But I see my clients making two key errors when it comes to squats; First, they put their weight on their toes instead of in their heels. This puts stress on the knees and makes you unstable. Second, they stand with their feet too close together. Women are built differently than men and their hips tend to angle forward. This anterior tilt can lead to muscle imbalances as well.

THE FIX: Wiggle your toes at the bottom of a squat to make sure your weight is in your heels. Press through your heels as you rise up. Also, stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips with your toes slightly turned out. This will shift your weight back and counteract that pelvic tilt.

MISTAKE #3 Using crunches to fight belly fat

Crunches firm the muscle that lies underneath fat-they don't actually melt away fat. To see a difference, you
need to burn or cut the extra calories.

THE FIX: Abs are made in the kitchen. Make sure you have more calories going out than coming in. Trade
crunches for exercises that engage your entire core—the front, back, and sides of your torso— like planks. Also, work your lower body. Moves that target large muscle groups like your buttand thighs help increase calorie burn and your metabolism after a session, which ultimately helps slim down your waist.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


It used to be the case that doctors claimed cellulite was exactly the same as any other fat on our bodies and, like normal fat, coutd be combated with exercise and a healthy diet. These days, however, thanks to advances in science, we know that the dreaded orange peel textured lumpiness we see on our thighs, butt, and even our arms and belly, isn't ordinary fat at all, but the result of fat cells found underneath the top layer of the skin being squeezed between the bands of connective tissue which attach muscle to your skin.

Weak, damaged fat cells can cause fatty tissue to lie unevenly, while the strong fibres that anchor fatty tissue to the layers of skin above can pull at the pockets of fat, creating that dimpled effect too. While the structure of men's connective tissue is angled, women's connective tissue is vertical, which is the reason why our fat cells can bulge through.

So it seems women - including many of the world's slimmest, fittest supermodels and Olympic athletes - are simply destined to have cellulite. But that doesn't mean you can't do anything to get rid of it once you understand the causes.


When blood flow slows, collagen separates, allowing fat to come to the surface of the skin and create an orange peel effect. While poor circulation is primarily genetic, there's much you can do to give it a boost. including regular exercise, and your new secret weapon: daily body brushing (see    ? opposite for advice on how to do it properly).

Because exercise and body brushing help stimulate your metabolism and warm your skin as well as boosting your circulation, you should apply any cellulite products directly after these activities so their dimple-fighting ingredients are better absorbed.


Research shows that women store fat six times more readily on their lower body than their upper body. But the lower body is far less keen on letting go of that fat. So if you lose seven pounds, six go from the top and just one goes from the bottom. When you put it on again (as yo-yo dieters always do), six go to the bottom and one goes to the top.

And the pattern only intensifies if you go on dieting in this way. Following a sensible healthy eating plan where you eat at regular intervals - like the one in this book - can help normalise your blood sugar levels, prevent binges, and stop you from piling lost weight back on.

Refined and processed foods, those that contain sweeteners, additives and chemicals, plus dairy, sugar and high fat products are all thought to contribute to cellulite. One major thought is that some of the chemicals in these foods act as oestrogen mimics to disrupt the smooth running of the female body. And worse, junk
food seriously lacks essential nutrients, including those antioxidant vitamins and trace minerals known to counteract cellulite.

Try to eat fresh fruit and veg to aid poor digestion and eliminate waste (both of which exacerbate cellulite),  and if you can't ditch all toxins, drink plenty of water every day to help flush them out.


Make sliding into your skinny jeans as easy as pulling on a pair of leggings with the following advice and clever tips.


It's a sad fact that stress increases levels of the hormone Cortisol in our bodies, which research shows increases the fat around our waists. But reaching for a glass of wine to help you relax can nnake things worse, as alcohol also raises Cortisol levels. Alcohol is also known to disturb our sleep, as the body has to work harder to cleanse itself of toxins. This is why we often feel tired and un-rested after a night of drinking.


The benefits of plenty of zzzzzz don't stop at having the energy to get through the day. A good night's sleep also helps reduce stress, keeps your mind sharp, and boosts your immune system and mood.

Getting eight hours regularly is essential for a glowing complexion, as your body produces more protein when you sleep - allowing cells to renew and repair the damage caused by ultraviolet rays, pollution and toxins - and increases human grovrth hormone (HGH) production to retain skin elasticity for fewer wrinkles.

Stick to a sleep schedule, going to bed and getting up roughly the same time every day to maintain your body's internal clock, Try writing in a journal a few minutes before bed to unload the stressors that can cause insomnia and sleep disturbances. Avoid television, computer and phone use an hour before you go to bed - these can act as stimulants - and wear ear plugs and an eye mask to reduce light and sounds.


Keeping a food and mood diary is an important tool to help manage your relationship with food. Most of us don't know what we are eating, or how all the things we unconsciously eat - from finishing off your child's leftovers to reaching for the biscuit tin as a reward - can add up.

Writing everything down - including snacks and drinks - and noting how you feel when you eat them will help you become more aware of your eating patterns, and show you where you need to make changes.


Paying attention to what, when and how you eat will help you register when you're full so you don't mindlessly consume extra calories. Take your time to chew what you put in your mouth and taste every bite.

Put down your cutlery after every mouthful and don't pick your knife and fork up again until you've thoroughly chewed and swallowed what you're eating as this will help slow you down. Finally, avoid watching TV, reading or working at your desk while you eat - your digestion will thank you.


Make habit your friend. Trying to follow the latest diet trends and recipes can become overwhelming. Instead, find what you like and stick with what works for you - at least until you get bored.

Also, try to have a maximum of six types of food on your plate. Research shows we eat 70 per cent more when we increase variety as every new taste, texture and flavour re-stimulates your appetite.


Speed up your weight loss by dumping toxic foods from your body. This includes all low-fat and low-calorie food and drinks. Not only are they less filling, their super-toxic sugars, artificial sweeteners and additives also dump fat around your tummy and can even damage the collagen in your skin, making you look older Clean and lean food is the way to go as your body will only store the good nutrients.


Try to leave something on your plate, even if it's just a mouthful. This can help you break away from the idea that clearing your plate is a good thing and regain control over your eating. It will give you the chance to sit back, listen to your body and decide if you're full or not.

Eventually, you won't have to think about portion control because you'll only eat what your body needs.


If you have excess pounds to shed, research now shows that the best way to lose weight consistently is to reduce your calorie intake by 10 calories for every pound you want to lose permanently. So if you want to drop one stone, you'd need to cut your intake by 140 calories a day.

You may have heard that cutting 500 calories a day is necessary for weight loss, but new research reveals this will result in hitting a plateau before you reach your goaf. Weight loss will take longer If you cut fewer calories but you're more likely to stick to your new regime, and keep the weight off long term.


Try fighting your food urges the first time you get them because science shows that the power of a craving dramatically decreases each time it comes back. This approach might not work every time, but you should go from giving into every craving to only giving into 20-30 per cent of them.


When you make your own food, you have control over the quality of the ingredients and portion size. If you're short on time during the week, try cooking two meals at once so you spend less time in the kitchen, or prepare a big pot of brown rice, quinoa or other wholegrains at the beginning of the week and throw it into salads, toss with spices, or add toasted slivered nuts and dried fruits for super healthy and filling snacks.


Drink at least eight glasses of water a day It's essential for keeping you hydrated and healthy, and will keep you feeling full, beat water retention, flush away toxins and help your body metabolise stored fat. It's easy to confuse hunger with thirst and eat something when what you really need is fluid. Make sure you drink extra water when you're exercising or in hot weather to compensate for sweat loss and help you perform at your best, ff you don't like water, add a slice of lemon, or try coconut water.



Having strong leg muscles benefits your life. From walking and running to climbing stairs, kneeiing and lifting thiings from the floor - even standing - we use our legs for all these activities, and strengthening them can only make our life easier.



Your leg muscles are the biggest in your body so need more blood. Exercising your quads, hamstrings, calves and glutes forces your heart to pump new blood to the lower limbs, kick-starting your metabolism and encouraging your body to burn more calories.


Training your legs requires multi-joint exercises - for example during a squat you bend at your hips, knees and ankles to train your legs and glutes - using more muscles and burning more calories than upper-body moves such as bleep curls or shoulder presses.


Lower-body exercise increases bone strength, improves your balance and stamina, and builds stronger knee, hip and ankle joints to reduce injury and the risk of falling.


Your legs form your support base providing you with stability and stamina. Having strong legs means you'll be sturdier, more agile and go the distance for longer, whether you're playing team sports or busting out your favourite moves on the dance floor.


Since many lower body exercises involve carrying a weighted load higher up your body - think doing a squat with overhead raise, which involves holding dumbbells at shoulder height - your core has to work extra hard to prevent injury, and maintain an upright posture and balance. This means your abs get a workout before you've done a single sit-up!


Many leg exercises require you to move through a full range of motion, from increasing your overall suppleness to reducing aches and pains. For example, deep squatting and lunging increases your flexibility within your entire hip complex, which can help reduce back pain, while side lunges increase inner-thigh flexibility.

Friday, January 16, 2015


There’s nc prescriptive time lImit for how long each phase should take as it depends en the individual — just move te the next phase when you start to see and feel real changes.

Phase One of this microbiome diet involves removing unhealthy bacteria and the foods that
unbalance the microbiome, and replacing them with healthier bacteria. In this phase, I recommends you take pre- and prebiotics and avoid sugar, artificial colour and preservatives, eggs, soy, gluten and dairy. He advises eating gut-healing focds such as fresh vegetables and fruit, including asparagus, carrots, garlic, Jerusalem artichokes, leeks, okra, onions, radishes, tomatoes, heaithy omega-rich nut butters, high-fibre carbohydrates, high-quality protein and the spices cinnamon and turmeric. Do this for as long as you need te until you feel ready to maye on to the next stage of the plan.

The secand phase allows you to eat a wider variety of food, including eggs, sheep and goat’s milk yoghurt and gluten-free wholegrains. You continue to load up on the phase ono superfoods as weIl as taking pro- and probiotics. In this phase, you also aim to reduce stress, since this can also
unbalance the gut.  I
recommend mindful eating and brief meditations before meal times.

The third phase Is tho 'life timetune-up'. Once your gut health is restored, You only need to stick to the earlier phase gut-health eating plan 70 por cent of the time — you can now eat most foods for 30 per cent of the time, including the occasional sweet treat.

'I have always seen goad responses when people follow the microbiome diet'. The majority of patients lose weight even if they’re not trying and it's not roally their goal.'


Monday, January 12, 2015


Since the previously mentioned research demonstrated that the RDL exercise, along with the glute-ham raise and lying leg curl, are effective exercise applications for maximizing the involvement of the hamstring musculature, the following list of exercises provides several different versions of the RDL to mix into your workouts to keep things fresh and interesting without sacrificing effectiveness.


Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, holding a barbell in front of your thighs with your arms straight. Keeping your back straight, hinge at your hips and bend forward toward the floor, keeping your knees bent at a 15- to 20-degree angle. As you hinge forward, drive your hips backward and do not allow your back to round out. Once your torso is roughly parallel to the floor or the weight plates lightly tap the floor, drive your hips forward toward the barbell, reversing the motion to stand tall again and complete one rep.


Stand on one leg and hold a dumbbell in the opposite hand. Keeping your back and arm straight, hinge at your hip and bend forward toward the floor, keeping your weight-bearing knee bent at roughly a 15- to 20-degree angle. As you hinge, allow your non-weight-bearing leg to elevate upward so it remains in a straight line with your torso, and do not allow your lower back to round out. At the bottom position (when your torso is roughly parallel to the ground), be sure to keep your hips flat and do not allow them to rotate. Once your torso and non-weight-bearing leg are roughly parallel to the floor, reverse the motion by driving your hips forward to stand tall again, completing one rep.


This is the single-leg version of the Romanian deadlift and is performed using the same mechanics as the double-leg Romanian deadlift. Stand on one leg while holding a barbell in front of the weight-bearing thigh with your arms straight. Keeping your back straight, hinge at your hip and bend forward toward the floor, keeping the weight-bearing knee bent at a 15- to 20-degree angle. As you hinge, allow your non-weight-bearing leg to elevate upward so it remains in a straight line with your torso. Be sure to keep your lower back from rounding out. Once your torso and non-weight-bearing leg are roughly parallel to the floor or the weight plates lightly tap the floor, drive your hips forward toward the barbell, reversing the motion to stand tall again and complete one rep.


Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart while a holding a dumbbell in each hand at your side. Step forward with one leg, keeping your front knee bent 20 degrees and your back knee straight. As your front foot hits the ground, simultaneously lean forward by hinging at your hips. Keep your back straight and allow your rear heel to come off the ground. Reverse the motion by stepping backward and returning to a standing position. Repeat on the other leg.

To perform this exercise, you’ll need to use the machine that’s commonly known as the lying hamstring curl or lying leg curl machine. Assume a lying position with your hip joint on top of the apex of the pads. Adjust the pad you’ll be pushing against to a position that’s at the bottom of your calves. Hold onto the handles, and with your legs hip-width apart, pull your heels toward your glutes as far as possible. Slowly reverse the motion under control.


Place your feet at hip-width against the footplate in between the rollers with your knees just behind the pad. Begin with your torso upright and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Slowly bend your knees without bending at your hips until your torso becomes parallel to the floor, or until you can no longer maintain your hips and torso in a straight line. Reverse the action by bending your knee and pulling yourself back up so that your torso returns to perpendicular to the floor.


Since many gyms don’t have a glute-ham machine, you can use a partner to perform this exercise or brace your feet under something stable. If you’re using a partner, have them place their hands on your ankles and firmly hold them down.With your knees resting on a pad or a rolled up towel, perform the exercise as directed in the glute-ham raise machine description. Place your hands in front of you as you reach the floor. Due to the difficult nature of this exercise, you may have to use your arms to lightly push off the floor to aid your return back to the starting position.

Saturday, January 10, 2015



There are various diets available to choose from, and each serves a purpose and has worked for many women. Two of these include:

• Some people use the more common approach of 5-6 meals a day with low GI carbohydrates and lean, low-fat portions of protein and vegetables. With this plan it is imperative to be in charge of your portion
control. Another easy mistake to make is going a bit overboard on the snacking between meals. Remember, too much of a good thing is also bad.

• Others prefer the low-carb, high-fat approach, which has the potential to deliver equally impressive results. The key with this diet is sticking to the plan. Having “just a few extra” carbohydrates or “some sugar” here and there nullfies the insulin-controlling effects of the diet. At the recent Discovery Vitality Summit Prof. Tim Noakes was very strong about this point. This diet has not been tested long-term though, and the verdict is out on the long-term health benefits. Just remember that fat, while it may make you feel fuller for longer, is very high in calories. At the end of the day, reducing calories over an extended period of time results in weight loss.



By now most of our readers should be over their fear of lifting weights. Lifting weights does not make you
big and butch just like that. If it were that easy every man who lifted weights would look like that, and men have far more testosterone. Lifting weights has a few benefits for women:

• Lifting weights builds lean muscle. Lean muscle is your friend and not your enemy. Muscle is metabolically active tissue, meaning it uses calories just to exist. This means that the more muscle you have the more fat you burn. In addition to the fat-burning effects of a raised metabolism, muscle is what shapes the body and makes the sought-after tight curves of the bum and thighs.

• Weight training is hard work and doing it burns a lot of calories. In addition, there is a phenomenon known as Epoc (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), which is better known as the ‘afterburn’ effect. It takes energy (calories burnt) to bring your body back to a state of rest – a whole host of metabolic actions need to take place. Once you have finished the workout you continue to burn calories for up to 48-72 hours after the session, depending on how intense the session was.


If you have ever done boot camp, some CrossFit classes or high-intensity classes in your gym then chances are you have experienced this type of training. Basically you are doing resistance exercise (either weights or bodyweight) for timed circuits in rapid succession with little rest. So, for example, a metabolic conditioning circuit could look like this: burpees, TRX rows, kettlebell swings and push-ups; each exercise done for 45 seconds with a brief 15-second break while moving to the next station and then doing the next exercise. After all four exercises are completed there is a longer rest, such as 90 seconds, before it all starts again. This is done four or more times. The benefits of metabolic conditioning include the same benefits of weight training, plus the added benefit of the energy expenditure associated with cardiovascular exercise. These sessions are short and brutal for working up a sweat and adding some lean muscle tissue. muscle tissue.


Stay away from processed foods. We have all heard it before and it is the number one cause of the obesity problem in westernised societies. These foods are packed with preservatives, salt, trans fats and sugar. It really is not worth it. Whether it’s fast food or processed meals in the supermarket – why undo all your hard work? Eat whole, and as far as possible, single-ingredient foods. Fresh meats (such as beef, chicken, fish), fresh vegetables and fruit, legumes and seeds, and carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes and butternut are best. Rice is also fine. Basically, you want to eat food that is as close to how it looks when it was harvested.legumes and seeds, and carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes and butternut are best. Rice is also fine. Basically, you want to eat food that is as close to how it looks when it was harvested.


How do you know which direction to walk in when you have no idea where you are going? Set both short-term and long-term goals. This way you are able to have small milestones as well as big ones to aim for. Most importantly, set S-M-A-R-T goals.Specific: Your goals must be specific to your needs and desires.Measurable: Set your goals so that you can measure them with health assessments, body composition measurements, scale-weight measurements, photographs, fitness levels and strength.Attainable (action-oriented): Make educated goals. Do your research and speak to a professional. Create a goal or goals that are attainable.

Realistic: The goals you set for yourself should be realistically attainable in terms of magnitude, and your available time and resources.

Set a deadline. There is no better way to defeat procrastination than by having a deadline that is set in stone.


Losing body fat means that you need to burn more calories, and specifocally burning these calories at a very low intensity will mean that you tap into your fat stores. So, how do you do this? You can wake up very early every day and do an hour of low-intensity cardio like a fitness model. If you have the lifestyle and time to do this, then fantastic. However, many of us don’t, but that’s no reason to despair. Take the steps at work, park at the end of the parking lot, walk the dogs, take the kids to the park and basically try too be as active as possible. After all, every little bit counts. At the end of the day, besides the benefit of burning a few extra calories, this kind of habit will add fitness and vitality to your life that money just can’t buy.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015



High in iron, omega-3s, vitamin E, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) compared with grain-fed cattle; each 4- to 5-ounce portion will yield more than 25 grams of protein.


Rich in vitamin D and choline (from the yolk), the whites contain the most easily absorbable protein source. To cut down on the fat, mix one whole egg with four or five egg whites. One whole egg contains about 7 grams of protein. 


Higher in protein (about 17 grams per serving ) and lower in carbs than regular yogurt, the Greek variety is also packed with important probiotics for intestinal health.


The creamy texture makes this dairy standard easy to blend in a salad with balsamic vinegar or
to add dimension to omelets. One cup contains an amazing 28 grams of protein. For maximum health benefits, stick to the no-salt added, 1% milk fat variety.


In addition to being loaded with protein (chickpeas, for example, have 20 grams per half cup), most beans are also rich in fiber. Other high-protein choices include pinto beans (10g per half cup), edamame (8g per half cup), and black beans (7g per half cup).


Tuesday, January 6, 2015


It’s a no-brainer that protein helps you stay lean and strong, but maybe you’re unsure exactly just how much you should be getting to reach your current fitness goals. Your gym buf boyfriend recommends one thing, but your nutritionist says another, and that article you just read online tells you something else altogether. We’ve got the real scoop on protein, including why you need it, the best types to choose, and the amount you should consume to look and feel your best.

Building Block Basics

Protein’s main function is to build and repair the body’s tissues, including muscles, plus synthesize hormones  and enzymes. Since protein is constantly being broken down, it’s vital to consume this all-important macronutrient at every meal, and especially after strenuous workouts. Protein is made up of two groups of 20 amino acids, including both essential (your body doesn’t make them, so you can get them only from what you eat) and non-essential (your body synthesizes from other compounds such as fats and carbohydrates) aminos. They can be further broken into two classes, complete and incomplete. A complete protein has the full essential amino acid profile in the correct ratios; an incomplete protein lacks one or more essential amino acids.

How much protein do I really need?

The RDA suggests 0.83 grams of protein per kilogram of  body weight for the average woman (about 53g for a 140-pound woman). But a bodybuilder or active recreational athlete needs a bit more—between 1 and 2 grams per kilogram of body weight, according to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). For an active woman who weighs 140 pounds, that’s about 64–127 grams daily.

Does it matter when I eat it?

Since your body is always repairing and building tissue, you need to constantly replace your protein stores. Otherwise, you’ll start to break down protein from muscle to make glucose for fuel. Aim to consume 4 to 5 ounces (or 25–30 grams) of protein every 2.5–3.5 hours (about five to six times a day). Great sources include eggs, milk, meat, fish, poultry, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, quinoa, amaranth, bulgur,  tofu, and combinations like beans or lentils and rice (which together make complete proteins). A balanced lunch might be 4 ounces of grilled chicken over salad with a rainbow of fresh vegetables; an energizing afternoon snack might include 6 ounces of Greek yogurt or ¾ cup of low-fat cottage cheese with some nuts and fresh berries.

Is it possible to get too much protein?

Yes. Your body can absorb only about 30 grams of protein (4–5 ounces) at a time, so if you take in more than that, you’ll store the excess as fat.

Following a high-protein diet (one where protein makes up more than 40% of your daily total caloric intake) can also put a strain on the kidneys, which have to work harder to remove the by-products of protein digestion. For every gram of protein consumed above 2 grams per day, about 1–1.5 milligrams of calcium is also excreted, which leads to loss of bone density. Aim for macronutrient ratios of no more than 40% protein, 30–35% carbs, and 25–30% fats.

Can protein help me lose weight?

Yes. Higher-protein foods require more work as your body breaks them down to use for fuel, so you’ll naturally burn more calories to digest them. Plus, high-protein foods help you feel fuller longer, so you’re less likely to snack or overeat. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also shows that higher protein intake (about 30–40% of the diet) helps to boost levels of the hormone leptin (the so-called satiety hormone), while reducing levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, helping you stay satisfied after meals or snacks.

What if I don’t get enough protein?

Your body uses its own muscle stores for fuel when there’s a lack of protein. That’s especially bad when trying to build lean muscle. To get the gains you want at the gym (and recovering post-workout), consume either complete amino acids (like dairy or meat) or a combination of incomplete (such as rice and beans) at every meal and snack.


To achieve your better-body goals, pair key ingredients that ramp up fat burn while staving off hunger pains 

Reducing body fat requires not just cutting calories; you have to burn stored fat instead of muscle tissue, too. Our bodies like to hold on to fat, saving it up as insurance against potential starvation.

But supplements can help coax your body into withdrawing from this savings account instead, sparing muscle and extending the time your meals keep you feeling full.

And, as anyone who’s dieted knows, other concerns also arise when you cut calories: You have less energy to perform your workouts and often feel depleted (not to mention cranky).

Outsmart your hunger, boost energy, and ramp up fat burn with a few key ingredients.


1. Burn Through Your Fat Stores

Often, you need to turn to supplemental support to encourage your body to release more stored  fat when you’re in a calorie deficit.

The fruit Garcinia mangostana contains hydroxy citric acid (HCA), which  spurs the release of body fat from storage to help fuel workouts.

Raspberry ketones also encourage your  body to release stored  fat, and support a higher metabolism so you burn even more fat.

And carnitine helps carry body fat released from storage into the mitochondria of cells, where it can then be burned as energy to fuel workouts.

Together, these supplements unpack fat, boost the calories you burn, and allow you to use released body fat  as energy during  intense training.

2. Diet Without Hunger

When you’re cutting calories, you may make it through your workouts without giving in to your cravings, but by day’s end, your willpower is at its lowest and you’re more likely to go off course.

Garcinia cambogia (the better-known cousin of Garcinia mangostana) helps to suppress appe-tite, so you’re not suffering from hunger pains throughout the day.

Satiereal saffron extract showed a decrease in snacking, reduced calorie intake, and increased satiety when subjects supplemented it for eight weeks.

L-Tyrosine, an amino acid, enhances mood, energy, and fat-loss. Together, these three can help reduce appetite so you succeed on your calorie-reduction plan.

3. Knock Out Fat Loss

Slim Science Thermogenic and Slim Science Appetite Suppressant were created with these key ingredients to help you ramp up your fat burn without falling prey to cravings.

The Thermogenic supplement features Garcinia mangostana, carnitine, and raspberry ketones, plus
vitamins B and C, to  help you burn fat over muscle. The Appetite Suppressant is formulated with Garcinia cambogia as part of its Super CitriMax blend, plus Satiereal saffron extract, tyrosine, and other ingredients.

Stack them before each meal, taking three one-capsule dosages each day.

Monday, January 5, 2015


You've heard that old dieting adage "a calorie is a calorie." You've probably also heard "all foods are fine in moderation," But the truth is, putting 2,000 calories of low-quality food into our metabolic system will have a radically different effect on our weight than ingesting the sanne quantity of high-quality calories, And manyhighly processed foods can set us up for trouble even in moderation.The quality of calories isdetermined by four factors: satiety, aggression, nutrition, and efficiency. A "SANE" approach to eating considers them all.

Satiety refers to how quickly calories satisfy our appetites and hunger. Most of us can easily consume copious amounts of beer and pizza, but if we tried to eat the same amount of calories in another form — say, five cans of tuna or 30 cups of broccoli — we'd be uncomfortably full. That's satiety in action.

Aggression refers to how likely calories are to be stored as body fat. To keep calories from being shuttled into our fat cells, we don't need to worry about eating less food. We just need to eat less aggressive food.

Body-fat storage is triggered as a response to eating food that causes us to have more glucose in our bloodstream than we can use at one time.

The more aggressive calories are, the faster they increase the levels of blood glucose and the more likely that our bodies will lock up that glucose as stored fat.

Nutrition refers to how many macro- and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, es¬ sential amino acids, essential fatty acids, phytonutrients) your calories provide.

Fewer nutrients per calorie (as found in most starches, sweets and fast foods) means low nutrition quality.

Lots of nutrients per calorie (as found in nonstarchy vegetables, high-quality proteins, low-sugar fruits, and nuts and seeds) means high nutrition quality.

Effficiency is how easily calories are converted into body fat The more inefficiently calories are stored as body fat, the better.

Fiber, for example, is not digested and therefore can never be stored as body fat, The body tries to digest fiber, but after burning a bunch of calories trying to break down and absorb fiber, it gives up and passes it through the digestive system.

Refined sugars and starches are quite efficiently converted to body fat, while protein is very inefficiently converted. Fats are easily converted but many have other redeeming "SANE" charactehstics that make them desirable.

The more "SANE" foods we eat, the simpler it becomes to achieve and maintain our ideal weight.

The more "inSANE" foods we eat, the more our metabolism is disrupted, and the more inclined we are to overeat.

Foods with a low SANEity rating provide few nutrients and are easily converted into body fat. They trigger the release of body-fat-storing hormones, and they raise our set-point weight.

Here's a look at my SANEity ratings and serving recommendations for various foods.



"Take the stairs. Walk 10,000 steps a day. Go for a long bike ride," For general health, this is all fine advice. But, if you want to achieve long-term fat loss, you have to exercise in a way that activates your hormones.

The key is increasing exercise resistance — versus duration or frequency. You can do this with targeted resistance training requiring no more than 10 minutes, two times a week.

I recommend a high-intensity-interval-trainlng (HIIT) program that includes "eccentric" muscle contractions. It works your muscles so deeply that you will be sore for two to three days afterward.

Concentric weight-lifting moves (where the muscle contracts) tend to get the most attention, but research shows that lowering weights (the eccentric action where the muscle extends) enables us to generate more force and activate more of our fat-burning muscle fibers.

That's why all my favorite exercises involve eccentric moves — leg presses, seated rows, chest presses, and overhead shoulder presses.

My own weekly exercise routine consists of doing just one intensive set of eccentric exercises for my legs, back, chest, shoulders, and abdominals. I then do about 15 minutes of yoga-inspired stretching.

I'm all for moving your body however else you like — walking, hiking, dancing, biking. Just don't rely on those activities to help you burn fat.

Conventional cardio builds aerobic conditioning but doesn't work well for long- term fat loss because it does not engage the hormone-shifting muscle fibers that help to regulate whole-body metabolism.



So how do outdated theories of calorie counting stack up against a more science-based philosophy of sustainable weight loss? Here's a quick overview.


While the old-fashioned "eat less, exercise more" approach can work, it doesn't work for many. Studies show that, 95 percent of the time, counting calories does not keep fat off over the long term. A better approach is to focus on higher-quality calories or eating what I call a "SANE" diet.

A 2006 study of 63 men and women ages 20 to 60 at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., compared a group of subjects following a traditional calorie-counting "eat less, exercise more" program (we'll call them the Conventional Group) with a group of subjects who observed a simpler "eat more, exercise less" program (we'll call them the SANE Group).

The Conventional Group ate a typical Western diet while doing traditional aerobic exercise for 40 minutes daily, six days per week.

The SANE Group ate a higher-protein, lower-carbohydrate diet while exercising only 50 percent as much, but with higher-quality workouts focused on high-intensity cardio and resistance training.

Overall, the Conventional Group ate fewer calories and exercised 13 hours more than the SANE Group, And yet, at the end of the 12-week study, the researchers found that the SANE Group's results exceeded the Conventional Group's in all ways:

The SANE Group had a 21 percent decrease in body fat and 16 percent decrease in belly fat. The Conventional Group had a 10 and 8 percent decrease, respectively,
The SANE Group posted a 9 percent increase in lean muscle, versus a 4 percent decrease for the Ccnventioral Group.
The SANE Group showed a 21 percent decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol compared with a 9 percent decrease for the Conventional Group.

Given how poorly conventional calorie-focused strategies perform, it's astonishing how many weight-loss programs continue to recommend them.

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Here is a quick reminder of the 21 most powerful rules for eating clean.

1.- Keep Your Food Real What goes in your mouth has to be whole, unprocessed, nutrient-dense, properl sourced and properly prepared foods, An apple is an apple. It looks like real food. Fill your cart with produce, some of it with the dirt still on.

2.- Eat More Not Less Skipping meals depresses your metabolism. Eating more frequently helps moderate blood sugar levels. The result is you tend not to binge or overeat.

3.- Eat Like a Baby Babies eat every two to three hours; you should too. This powers up your metabolism, keeps blood sugar levels in check and helps prevent overeating.

4.- Break the Fast Never skip breakfast. This meal is an opportunity to nourish yourself properly after several hours of not eating and sets the metabolic machinery in motion for fat burning for the day to come.

5.- Plan Your Meals Think eating clean takes too much time? Planning is the answer. Use the Eat-Clean Diet Companion to help you organize meals for the day and for the week.

6.- Smaller Portions, Smaller Pants Too much of a good thing is still too much of a good thing. Use your hands as a guide to keep portions in check. (Guide: one serving of lean protein = 4 ounces or the palm of your hand; one serving of complex carbs = one cupped hand; one of serving fat = size of your thumb).

7.- Chew! Loads of us gobble, Hoover or inhale our food. Slow it down. Try chewing each mouthful 25 times.

8.- Treats Are Not Cheats Making eating clean your lifestyle is a powerful choice for better health. It is not a prison sentence. Eat a treat now and then, but reserve it for special occasions, not every day.

9.- Give Yourself Permission To Change Look at that @#$% photo and say, "OK, I ate myself overweight, but those days are over!" Accept that truth and give yourself permission to make better food choices.

10.- Can't Read It? Don't Eat It If it's got a label, chances are that food is processed and contains ingredients you can't read or spell, and look like they are from a chemistry experiment — leave it on the shelf.

11.- Be Fooled and Good Sense Is Overruled Be on high alert when a glitzy "food" label claims "sugar-free," "new and improved," "low calorie" or "diet" and other such nonsense. These words generally mean more hidden sugar and unwanted chemicals, thus more weight. Clean eaters are not so easily fooled! Reach for nutrient-dense, properly prepared ,.. well, you know the drill, see rule No. 1.

12.- Carbohydrate Addiction Yep! We may just be drunk on simple carbs. Stick to complex carbs including vegetables, especially greens, fruits, legumes and whole grains like brown rice and quinoa (a pseudo-grain).

13.- On-the-Go Eating This spells preparedness and helps you skip fast-food oopsies. Pack a cooler with 1/2 baked sweet potato + 2 tablespoons salsa + 1 hard-boiled egg; or 1 apple + handful (12) raw, unsalted almonds; or 1/2 cup dry oats + 2 tablespoons ground flaxseed + one scoop Sun Warrior Protein Powder + 1/2 chopped apple.

14.- Get Moving! We are meant to move. You can eat clean, but you still have to make yourself move. Aim to sweat for at least 30 minutes four to five days per week. Your body will improve, but even better, so will your mood.

15.- Strike Sugar! It's white, powdery, gives you a high and then you want more. You're addicted. And I'm not talking about cocainct, I'm talking about sugar — and it's everywhere. Removing this ingredient from your diet yields the most significant rewards and overall change.

16.- Alcohol: The Other Legal Drug People are always surprised to learn that alcohol is also sugar. Alcohol addiction is similar to sugar addiction. Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum? especially if you are trying to quit. Save it for special occasions only.

17.- LP + CC Always pair lean protein with complex carbs and a bit of fat for best metabolic effect. Women tend to eat less protein than men, but it needs to appear ateverymeal.

18.- Fat Is Fantastic Fat is not the anti-food. We need it to be optimally healthy and human, and in many traditional societies people ate predom¬ inantly fat, not carbs. Don't fear fat. Eat at least 3 tablespoons of good-quality fats in the form of coconut oil (yes, it is saturated but excellent for health).

19.- Leon Greens Eat more greens, My breakfast these days consists of 2 cups steamed mixed greens cooked in coconut oil and topped with two sunny- side-up eggs (wholeeggs!).

20.- Wetter Water North America's No. 1 nutritional deficiency is water — even though we seem to drink more of it, we are in fact dehydrated thanks to diuretic beverages including coffee, tea, soda, sports drinks and more. Here's your Wetter Water recipe fix: Place juice of 1/2 lemon and a pinch of unrefined sea salt into 8 ounces of water. Now you have an electrolyte-rich glass of water that will hydrate you properly.

21.- Smart Salt Use imrefined sea salt only. Regular table salt has been stripped of all that is good using chemicals and bleach. It even contains sugar, Unrefined sea salt contains 92 trace minerals and elements ideal for human health. Choose sea salt every time.

Friday, January 2, 2015


The best way to get your children started with a fitness routine is getting them involved in physical activity as soon as your doc gives the green light. These exercises can be performed by anyone, but consider variations if your baby is too young or too old.